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Hey everyone,

first off, thank you all for joining in this month!
There is a lot on my to do list for the coming update and I'd like to share some of my concept ideas in this post.

But before that a quick review over the past week. I guess most of it is already said if you look at the titles of the posts I've made over the past days^^.
Ophilia's scene is now complete and I was working on it until shortly before this post (that's why it's a bit late). Penny's update is still missing a scene which is already there imagewise but not implemented. I'll work on that in the coming week together with the new content.

So what is planned? I'm currently not sure if I can really make the whole Bianca and John update in one month. The last few updates have shown me that things often take a lot longer than I expected. With this update I not only want to bring a new character (John's daughter) but also add 3 new maps (the mine is going to be a big one) And considering the content I want to add there it will also be not quickly done. So because of that I'm already thinking about expanding the time for the content on this storypart up into 2 months.
This would mean update 1 focussing on Bianca and update 2 focussing on John and his daughter.
Now I could also do both parts halfway and then wait until you vote for this storypart again, but considering how long this took to win I don't want to do that.
The reason behind that is also that I want to give a vote option to continue the main story in the near future and I need this storypart for it. So I hope you will understand this.

Talking about release dates: I plan to release the first part of this month's update on the 16th and then the final part around the 27th. I will keep you informed about my progress as always every friday.

With that, now finally weekend!
I hope you all are having a nice one! To those who celebrate it: Happy easter!



As long as i get more Bianca, I'm good.


Hello, I am new but I have a bug to report: in the 3.7.2 cheats actived(not used) and ntr on when you can craft the copper dagger and you equip it, I dont know why but I cannot unequip the bow(instead the game unequip the dagger) and when I use the target strike(bow skill with 20 tp) is like it was nerfed for some reason, making a critical or 29 on a simple orc, my lvl is 6. Thank you!!


and yeah it is pissing me off because it is a skill that I use a lot and dont want to use cheats(just letting be there if something like this happen)


The quickshot requires the bow. You can change the weapon in combat for a normal attack before the attack by using the left and right arrow key.


Ok I checked, is not a problem with the bow, it is a problem of Critical strikes, at least for me doesnt make sense that with copper knife you make like 40 points, and in critical you make 29 or 32. or it sounds like a critical strike. doesnt make sense to me. Burt still that in the menu you cannot unequip the bow and instead unequip the copper knife when you select the bow, doesnt make sense to me either.


Mhm ok, thanks for the input. I'll check that. But it might be caused by the level of your bow. There are 2 other bows in the game that you can get and that increase the damage of the quickshot.


The values look correct. You're currently using the level 1 bow which has a very low attack dmg. Bow damage in general is lower than the dmg of the dagger. This is due to the multiplyer you get when using the quickshot. The bronze dagger has a way higher dmg than the level 1 bow. I will look into the damage calculation again when doing the rework update. In that I plan to overhaul the combat in general


here is a screenshoot for you https://prnt.sc/115yca2 If this is normal ok, but doesnt make sense to me, because I do more damage as a normal attack. Ok I checked, you are indeed right, It confused me that using the copper knife, making a damage of 50 and then later a critical strike with the bow of 39, made me confuse. Sorry for the inconveniences,but I think this will confuse other people too. That and the point that I cannot unequip the bow in the menu, is like the hell? I can unequip all the inventory but not the bow? something is wrong here. Pd: nope I am right but partially, when you use quick shot with no critical strike make like 68 of damage, with bow normnally like 32, and critical strike 38 this confuses a lot


Yes it is normal. The problem is not in the calculation. It is that I'm currently not providing enough bows to choose from (another thing I have to address). You can get a better bow in Rumah when talking to Umin and doing his task.


Shit sorry for so much editing, lol. Check my comment upstairs the Pd!!


I Made another screenshoot so you can clearly see the confusion here: Quick shot with critical strike: https://prnt.sc/115yca2 Quick shot with no critical strike: http://prntscr.com/115ykhs I hope it helps a bit, because made me confused as hell


you are currently using a level 5 dagger and a level 1 bow. so even with the higher multiplier the quickshot has, the dmg of the dagger will always be higher. Find a better bow (for example in Rumah) and the quickshot dmg will outweight the normal attack.


More thingies to your attention: Copper dagger attack and critical strike: http://prntscr.com/115ysoy Copper dagger attack normal: http://prntscr.com/115ytwa Pd: ok, I am the one that is wrong then,lol I'll stop now sorry for bother you