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Good morning everyone!
It's friday again and it feels like yesterday that I did the last report.
After I finished update on tuesday I'm now focussing on the implementation of Lyvia as your companion. So I have to cover things like: You brought her with you when you rescue Kate from the bandits or infiltrate the cult to rescue Arianna, you visit Maui... And all these other situation where you could have her in group. I hope I can complete that part today.
After that I want to focus on the next step of her quest which will be about recruitment.
And of course some interaction with Lyvia.. However as I don't want to make things look abruptly I'm not entirely sure how far this will go within this update.

Which brings me to my other topic, that I've already voiced on discord: As you might have guessed, I won't be able to complete Lyvia's quest with the Brigands within this update.
A month of developement time just isn't enough to get that done.
I knew that from the beginning and it was my goal for this month to get to the part where you recruit mercenaries and then have the final confrontation with Lyvia's next update.

However this reminds me a lot of Penny's last update where I badly wanted to get it completed but then realised that I couldn't do it properly within just a month.. And until today that quest is unfinished.
So I would prefer to continue to work on Lyvia's quest to get it completed. Having her as a companion would also mean that she has to react to future love events.. And if her relationship with the MC isn't developed that could get odd or would mean that I would have to add in a lot of reactions later on.
However: I can understand if you want to see some variety and maybe you are more interested to see Arianna's or Tia's story continued. Because of that I let you guys decide:

I can either work on the story that wins this month poll or continue Lyvia's story next month.
If I continue with Lyvia's quest this would mean that whoever wins this month poll will be the topic of update 0.3.4. This would also mean that there won't be a content poll next month because you already voted for 0.3.4 this month (in this case Lyvia part 2 is 0.3.3).

If you don't want me to continue Lyvia's quest in 0.3.3 I will add it as a voting option for next month poll and there will be a content poll as usual.

I leave the choice to you ;)
Have a nice weekend and stay save!



I definately encourage you on finishing a storyline instead of letting it hang in a cliff hanger, I was rather disapointed that Penny's Update ended that way (I realise why it had to be) and even though I keep voting for her so we get a fullfilling ending for her current storyline the votes go all over the place but her... so to avoid this happening again please keep working until you are satisfied with her story and the game mechanics coming with it


Next month is not the update that I want to play. I choose to cancel the member and wait for the update that I want to play


I thank you for your past support then.. I wish I could always work on things that everyone likes, but that is probably impossible :/ hope to see you and everyone who thinks alike in the future again and I will carry on as best as I can.