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Here the new content poll for 0.2.8. Like last month I don't want to add too many options to this and will rotate characters who won previous polls. So I've added Mira's next chapter to the poll. The results of previous polls and explanation to how the poll works can be found in the result sheet 

Options of this poll:

Penny(+45):  She is a strong willed woman with faith in the gods who's hard working every day. Then her fiance returns from the war badly wounded.. Is this  just to much for her to handle? Will you help them recover or are you going to exploit their trust and split up their relationship? (This will also involve Anya as new character and a very basic farming system)

Gwen(+38):  Are you siding with her? She is up to something and might take you in as her apprentice to teach you some of her arts.. But what will it cost you? Is there a way to trick her? And right after you arrive you lern that you are not her only apprentice.. (New magic skills+ will be needed for the main story in the future + optional futa content)

Frisha(+8): After the recent events the new baron Giron has sent for the daughter of the baron of Kirlic to arrange a marriage for his son Dave. But on her way towards Arenfield she disappears.. Only a skilled hunter may find her.  But if Dave marrys her, how will this affect Frisha? Maybe she will never arrive in Arenfield.. (New grassland area to the East of Arenfield and also content for Yasmine)

John & Bianca(+6): The king won't pay him for his work but still demands more of it for  his troops. Without warning his daughter returns from Parakis. But she  has problems of her own and wanted to seek refuge at her fathers house. In addition to that the mine has been overrun, making it impossible to get new ore from within. Bianca will finally take you to her master. (Is connected to the main storyline) 

Emily(+28): Now that Marcus is dead there is no more financial support for her. Mira is doing her best but it's not enough. The bandits' attacks have further damaged her battered house. And now Giron is coming to collect the tax.. Will you help and make the necessary repairs on the house or will you leave her to her fate? (Take a central role in Emily's life. Reworks to her house and new content around it for her and her daughters)

Lyvia & Imawyn(+15): Imawyn's imprisonment  has given way for a new group of bandits who have taken over the region. To find a solution for this you group up with Lyvia to fight them back. Maybe Imawyn is the key to this, you could release her and take over her old group of bandits.  

Dialogue rework and additional scenes(+15):
The past months I've been pushing out content so fast that most of the time the dialogue writing has come short. This means: often when a character is corrupted she still has the same dialogue. With this update I would go through all the dialogue and fix and add as much as possible and also add some extra scenes for some of the situations.  

Mira: It is time, Mira has completed her studies and is ready for the initiation ritual. A noble fighter who wants to become a paladin of Uldar will participate in the ritual. For this they have to enter the catacombs below the church. But what should be a simple test goes terribly wrong.

End date: 04-30 23:59 CET



I wish you'd just go with Dialogue rework + additional scenes. It's like cleaning up a messy room you have to do it at some point. Making new content after that would be better.

Kevin Daley

Personally it’s finished low to no content cherictors (penny anya Witch etc) then rework, do not leave town the story might be ready to go with Kate to the inn but leave that story thread hanging for now have this town close or atleast near some sort of completion (of cherictors) before moving somewhere else and adding in another 10 plus cherictors


Sorry, I didn't understood what you wrote


To sum it up he would prefer if I close loose ends before moving the story to another village and adding many more characters. My idea at the moment is to weave both places Kirlic and Arenfield together with their story. So ofc there will be new characters there but many of them will also be somewhat connected to Arenfield like Ophilia and Grant and there is also the barons daughter that I want to introduce if you ever vote for Frisha again. ;) I won't bring a bunch of new characters at once. This would also be too much work.


Thanks for clarifying. That sounds all very good and since "it's" connected the story will get even better. As I mentioned I very like this game's story so far it gives a "game of thrones" vibe, kinda. However, leaving things unpolished and adding too much content might end up hurting not just the developer but also the game in the long run. That's why I suggested the rework. Well, no matter what go with your own pace and everything will be fine I guess.


I agree with that. And yes from my point of view I would also like to polish everything up before adding new content. But at the same time I know that many of you also like to see "that" specific storypart they have voted for months. So the solution is to let you vote for it. When the time comes (and I hope it's not forever far away) I will make use of the time and polish as much as possible. Maybe later I will offer to do this again for other storyparts if need be.

Benjamin Button

Moved my vote to: Dialogue rework + additional scenes and fingers crossed for a little more in the drinking game.