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What a week.

I just finished Tia's bonus scene with 5 new animations (will be included in the next major update) and the days before that I was busy fixing all the bugs that showed up in the last update.

Now I'm tired and will take a small break over the weekend.

On monday I will start with my work on 0.2.5! I will also set up a new content poll for 0.2.6

For 0.2.5 I have some idealistic plans already and also some fixes I want to make. There is for example the audio param bug that shows up from time to time. I found what's causing the problem now but the fix will take some time. I also want to change how Tia joins the group because I find it tedious to always pick her up from her mothers home. And I'm thinking about adding a map to fast travel between Rumah village and Arenfield. And yes also to add the statistics for blowjobs that Tyreal mentioned ;) So a lot to do in the coming month. I will keep you updated as always.

Today I also updated the Wayfarer link to update

Hope you all have a nice weekend!




Yes. It was a timed Event for Christmas. Will return in december with new rewards. But I plan to do other timed events over the year


ok thanx : )