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Hey guys,

again time to give you some update on how the current work on 0.1.5 is going so far.
I've bought some new assets for the game and used them to create new scenerys for the kitchen of the inn aswell as the cellar.. and for where ever this door is leading to.. Don't want to spoil everything ;)

Locations are all drawn for the new version and I've started working on the scenes as well as the dialogues and events.
I don't want to pin down a date, but it should be done before the end of next week.

And I know I've promised a discord channel, will set this up tomorrow.

Update 08-28: Server is setup, but somehow Patreon Isn't able to adress it yet (probably because it's to new) And since I want to try out if the auto role asignement works I will wait for that. Guess it won't hurt if this is happening in the coming days

Update 08-30: Done, and looks like the auto server invite via patreon worked. If anyone got no invite let me know



Pedro MG

Like diablo said before, the progress of the game looking very good, mis saludos

Henning Hi

You are a very fast Developer, its great to see how fast you are adding more and more contend over a long period of time. Keep up the good work - i am very sure you will get a lot more patreons very soon!