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Chapter 2: A Slightly Different Reality

"Do you think something's off with Eijun?" Behind a screen in the backyard, three shadowy figures huddled together. A middle-aged man, looking worried, spoke as he glanced at Eijun Sawamura’s distant figure.

"Yes, dear, I think so too. Ever since he returned from Tokyo yesterday, he’s been acting a bit strange," the middle-aged woman beside him said with concern.

"Could he be possessed or something?" The man suddenly seemed alarmed, considering a frightening possibility.

"You fool, it’s not possession! What kind of parent are you to say that about your own son?" At that moment, an elderly figure nearby, clearly older and more authoritative, scowled and slapped the middle-aged man on the head.

The sound of the slap was sharp and clear.

It was clear that these three figures were Eijun’s familiar and lively family members from the original story—his father, mother, and grandfather.

The sound of the slap startled Eijun, who turned around to see his parents’ awkward smiles and his grandfather’s frustrated expression. He couldn’t help but offer a wry smile.

The residual memories and emotions from his previous life played their role, making it easier for Eijun to handle his family without feeling too awkward. The warm, familiar feeling helped him genuinely regard these three as his own relatives, and their concern felt very real.

This warmth was similar to the familial affection from his past life, providing him with a slight sense of comfort.

From today on, I am Eijun Sawamura, and your parents are now my parents.

This was the resolution Eijun made to himself at that moment.

"Fortunately, I don’t have zero memory or feelings; otherwise, dealing with such familiar faces would be quite problematic. I can’t just pretend to have amnesia, after all..."

Eijun thought silently to himself, though he maintained a neutral expression on the surface.

Currently, Eijun Sawamura could be considered half himself—possessing the memories and emotions of the original Eijun, yet with a completely new personality. His demeanor retained some of the old carefree traits, but it also felt subtly different.

This was how Eijun felt upon waking up this morning.

His family, especially his mother, was sensitive and perceptive.

But the current scene...

"Grandpa, what are you all doing?" Eijun asked, a slight twitch at the corner of his mouth.

"Cough, we were just..." Eijun's mother cleared her throat and spoke awkwardly, clearly feeling embarrassed. After all, it looked as if the entire family was eavesdropping on the situation.

"Idiot, of course we’re worried about you. You come back from Tokyo looking like you’ve lost your soul—how could we not be concerned?" Grandpa said directly, snorting in response.

"Father..." Both Eijun’s parents were at a loss for words.

"No, just thinking about some things," Eijun replied.

"Thinking about some things?" Eijun’s parents exchanged puzzled glances. Did that mean he’d been dazed all day? Moreover, from their perspective, it wasn’t just this odd behavior but also the change in his overall demeanor since returning from Tokyo. Naturally, they couldn’t imagine the possibility of their son's soul being replaced by someone else’s—such an idea seemed too absurd.

"Are you thinking about going to Tokyo?" Eijun's father asked.

"Yeah, something like that," Eijun replied, momentarily lost in thought. He recalled the scene from the original story where the Sawamura family discussed the trip to Tokyo. He nodded silently, acknowledging this point.

Indeed, Eijun was currently contemplating the possibility of going to Seidou High School and other related matters.

"And what are your thoughts? Are you hesitating or worried? What is your true feeling?" As Grandpa prepared to speak, Eijun’s father, with a serious expression, asked him directly.

Seeing Eijun’s father take the lead, Grandpa remained silent, standing aside. He knew that when it came to parenting, he couldn’t easily intervene.

"True feeling?" Eijun was taken aback.

"You’re afraid of leaving here, afraid of going to Tokyo alone, aren’t you? But you also have expectations and want to go, right?" Eijun’s father spoke with a solemn yet gentle tone.

Eijun moved his lips, his eyes revealing a strange expression as he struggled to find words. He couldn't exactly explain that he had already made his decision.

This strange expression only reinforced Eijun’s father’s belief.

Indeed, his son was conflicted because of the excitement he felt about baseball in Tokyo, causing him to hesitate.

"A boy needs decisiveness and courage, Eijun. Don’t betray your true feelings. The most important thing is that when you look back in the future, you won’t regret your choices now. Boys must dare to pursue their dreams and face any risks. Even if you face challenges and failures, if you return here, we will never mock you, and no one will ever mock you."

The serious expressions and gentle demeanor were heartfelt expressions of concern from his parents.

Eijun’s mother, with a warm smile, added, “Yes, Eijun, just like your father said, go ahead. Your friends will support you, won’t they? Your friendship won’t break just because you’re apart. Go and bravely pursue your dreams.”

“Exactly, you idiot. Stop hesitating. Be decisive like a man!” Grandpa chimed in loudly.

Seeing the genuine care and affection from his family, the warmth of their blood ties, Eijun’s expression softened, and his eyes filled with determination.

“Understood!” Eijun’s firm reply brought smiles of relief to his parents. To them, despite their son’s occasional clumsiness, he was straightforward and sincere in this matter. His clear eyes reflected that he had truly come to terms with his decision.

“That’s right, a man must have a man’s spirit!” Grandpa beamed with satisfaction. “This is how my grandson, Eijun Sawamura, should be.”

“And still my son,” Eijun’s father mumbled.

“Huh? What are you saying, silly son? Aren’t you my son?”

“Nothing, Dad…”

“Alright, enough. Since we’ve settled this, let’s eat. Eijun, dear, time for dinner.”

The family’s daily comedy was the warmest scene.

As Eijun looked at his family, the last remnants of his reservations about this family slowly faded away.

Meeting his mother’s gentle smile, Eijun grinned widely and laughed, “Haha, I want a big bowl of rice!”

“Sure thing,” Eijun’s mother responded with a warm smile.

This is Eijun's new home and his new starting point!


Gintoki Sakata

That dad is quite perceptive lol.