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Chapter 435: A Clown Only Needs To Be A Subject Of Ridicule

"Is there anyone who would like to nominate themselves?"

As the current student council president, Meguri, smiled and spoke, she glanced hopefully around the conference room, hoping someone would step forward.

However, most people were unwilling to take on this role.

Meguri scanned the room and then hesitated when she reached Yukino's position.

"Um... you're Yukinoshita, right?"

"Yes." Yukino was somewhat surprised but nodded nonetheless.

Seeing this, Minami, sitting on the other side, felt displeased.

With her excellent grades and aloof demeanor, Yukino was also a prominent figure in the school. If Yumiko was at the top of the class, then Yukino was at the top of the school.

If there was anyone in the school who could rival Yukino, it would only be the two third-year students, "Unattainable Flower" Utaha Kasumigaoka and "Flower of Kendo" Saeko Busujima.

But as long as I can shine at this cultural festival, then I can also become a prominent figure in this school.

Thinking this, Minami became even more eager for the position of executive committee chairperson.


On the other side, seeing Yukino nod, Meguri clasped her hands together, a happy smile on her face. "Just as I thought, you're Haruno-senpai's sister, aren't you?"

"Back then, Haruno-senpai was also the executive committee chairperson, and that cultural festival was unprecedentedly splendid in Sobu High's history."

"Yukinoshita-san, would you like to be the executive committee chairperson for this year's festival? I believe that as Haruno-senpai's sister, you'll definitely be able to organize this cultural festival well."

Hearing this, Yukino felt a bit unhappy.

Here it comes again; she's once again being compared to her sister.

From childhood to adulthood, it was always like this. Everyone who met her sister would praise her endlessly, while she was just a subsidiary existence in her sister's shadow.

It was as if her own efforts were worthless, and her excellence was all because she was Haruno's sister, as if it were only natural.

This made the girl quite unhappy.

After all, Yukino Yukinoshita was never anyone's appendage.

Regarding Meguri's suggestion of her becoming the chairperson, Yukino simply shook her head with a cool expression.

"No need to become the chairperson. I will fulfill the duties of an executive committee member."

"I see... well then."

Seeing Yukino reject her proposal, Meguri's face showed a hint of disappointment, but she wouldn't force anything.

Just then, another voice spoke up.

"Um... if no one else is willing, I can give it a try."

The speaker was Minami Sagami.

When Minami saw Meguri's attempt to make Yukino the executive committee chairperson, she felt quite anxious. She planned to leverage this position to become the focal point of the cultural festival. How could she let someone else snatch it away?

So, when she saw Yukino refuse Meguri's offer to be the chairperson, Minami couldn't wait to speak up.

Seeing someone volunteer, Meguri's face lit up with a happy smile.

"Really? What's your name?"

"Um... I'm Minami Sagami from class F of the second year. Although I'm not very good at this kind of front-line work, I will do my best."

Minami stood up, looking a bit embarrassed as she introduced herself.

"I also hope to grow through this cultural festival."

Seeing this, Hachiman's lips curled into a faint smirk.

This guy could have been a tea master in a past life, no doubt about it.

But Meguri, being naive, couldn't see through Minami's disguise. Upon hearing her words, Iroha clasped her hands together and surveyed the people in the conference room.

"Well then, if there are no other volunteers, shall we appoint Minami as the executive committee chairperson?"

No one objected to her proposal. In fact, no one wanted to be the chairperson. After all, if the cultural festival didn't go well, the chairperson would bear the blame. Now that someone stepped up, it was for the best.

So, everyone applauded, congratulating Minami on becoming the chairperson.

Seeing everyone applauding for her, Minami knew she had succeeded.

Although she was happy inside, she made a show of looking embarrassed, bowing to everyone in gratitude.

"Thank you for your trust. I will do my best as the chairperson."


As the meeting ended, everyone began to leave the conference room one by one.

After all, it was lunchtime, and classes would resume soon.

As Hachiman got up from his seat to leave, he overheard Minami's troubled voice not far away.

"What should I do? I impulsively became the executive committee chairperson. What if I can't handle it?"

Her two friends beside her comforted her, "It's okay, as long as you work hard, Minami, you'll definitely do well, and we'll help you."

"That's right, we'll definitely help you."

Hearing this, a faint smirk appeared on Hachiman's lips.

Just work hard?

Sorry, while hard work is indeed important, it doesn't fix everything.

And judging from Minami's performance in the original work, she never put in any effort.

Since becoming the chairperson, she hadn't accomplished anything, especially after asking the Service Club for help. She only focused on having fun and waited for success to come to her.

Hachiman remembered Yukino collapsing from exhaustion due to handling too many tasks.

With that in mind, Hachiman's eyes narrowed.

He wouldn't allow such a thing to happen. If Minami showed some improvement, he wouldn't mind lending a hand. But if she remained the same as in the original, he wouldn't be polite about it.

A clown only needs to be a subject of ridicule.

Ignoring Minami and her friends' continued chatter, Hachiman walked out of the conference room.

In the hallway, he saw Yui and Yukino chatting together.

Seeing Hachiman coming out, Yui waved at him.

"Hikki, you're so slow. Yukinon came out a while ago."

Watching the silly Yui, Hachiman's mood improved considerably.

Just then, the bell signaling the start of class rang.

"Oh, it's time for class," Yui remarked.

"Well then, Yukinon, we'll see you at the Service Club this afternoon," she added.

Yukino nodded in response and turned to walk towards her classroom.

Watching the girl's retreating figure, Yui couldn't help but admire.

"Yukinon is really hardworking."

Before Hachiman could respond, she turned back with a smile.

"Let's go, Hikki. It's time to head to our classroom for class."


After school, at the Service Club.

Yukino, Hachiman, and Yui arrived as usual.

Previously, they had decorated the club room a bit, making it much cozier than before.

On the central table were flowers for decoration and various other ornaments. On another table, a teapot was brewing tea.

After taking a sip of the tea, Yui smiled and said, "I didn't expect you, Yukinon, to become an executive committee member too. If I had known, I would have joined as well, so we could work together. What a shame."

"That would have been nice," Yukino replied with a hint of regret in her tone, then shifted her gaze to Hachiman on the other side.

"But what surprises me is, Hachiman, how did you end up becoming an executive committee member too? Aren't you the one who dislikes trouble the most?"

"Indeed, Yukino, you know me well," Hachiman shrugged helplessly.

"I didn't want to become an executive committee member either. It was forcefully assigned by Shizuka-sensei."

"I see," Yukino nodded understandingly. Given Shizuka's personality, it's entirely possible for her to do something like that.

Yui, on the side, laughed awkwardly. It was because she had also chimed in at the time. It was due to her, along with Yumiko and Hayama's recommendations, that Hachiman became an executive committee member.

But then, she hesitated for a moment and spoke up.

"But come to think of it, the committee meetings for the cultural festival will be held every day, and I also need to help with class activities, so I'm afraid..."

Hearing this, Yukino closed her book.

"That's true. I've been considering temporarily suspending the activities of the Service Club for a few days until the cultural festival is over. We can resume our club activities afterward."

"Then let's temporarily end today's activities. Everyone, go home and rest well to prepare for the cultural festival."

Hachiman and Yui nodded in agreement without any objections.

However, as the three of them were preparing to leave, they heard a knock on the door.


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