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Chapter 357: Hachiman Demonstrates His Strength

As they watched the blood floating on the sea surface, the girls felt their hearts race. They didn't know whose blood it was, and if it belonged to Hachiman, what would they do...

But the next moment, the girls felt relieved. Hachiman had resurfaced, swimming back to the shore.

Seeing Hachiman stepping onto the beach, Komachi hurriedly ran into his arms.

"Onii-chan, are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" Komachi's words warmed Hachiman's heart.

Indeed, it wasn't in vain to care for this little girl.

Patting her head, Hachiman smiled. "Don't worry, do I look like I'm injured?"

Komachi lifted her head and looked around. Not finding any obvious wounds on Hachiman, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's a relief, Onii-chan. You scared me."

"Haha, sorry for making you worry, Komachi." Hachiman smiled apologetically and then nodded to the girls who had gathered around, equally apologetic.

"Sorry for making you all worry."

Seeing him unharmed, the girls felt relieved.

When they saw Hachiman return to the beach just now, some of them wanted to rush into his arms, but seeing Komachi take the lead, they stopped.

After all, Komachi was Hachiman's biological sister, so it was natural for them to embrace.

However, for the others, it was different. Knowing Hachiman's stance on publicly declaring his relationships, only a few girls knew his desire to have a harem.

"You fool, charging at a shark like that. Are you out of your mind?" Yumiko scolded, her words harsh but her heart still trembling with fear.

"Haha, my body moved involuntarily at that moment. In my heart, you all are more important to me than myself." Hachiman chuckled, understanding that the girls were just worried about him.

Upon hearing this, Yumiko's face flushed slightly.

She was one of the people who had been escaping in the sea just now. Hearing Hachiman's words made her feel a sweet warmth in her heart.

However, mindful of her image, she didn't show much reaction. "Hmph, always saying nice things. You need to be more careful about your safety in the future."

"Okay, okay, I got it," Hachiman replied to Yumiko's admonition with a chuckle. Suddenly, he remembered something and addressed the girls, "Wait here for me."

With that, he dashed into the villa and returned shortly with a rope in hand.

Sitting on the jet ski with the rope, Hachiman returned to the sea.

He tied one end of the rope to the jet ski and jumped into the sea with the remaining length of the rope.

Watching his actions, the girls were puzzled.

Before long, Hachiman returned to the jet ski, driving it back to the beach. The rope seemed to be dragging something heavy, stretched taut.

As they approached the shore, the girls soon saw what the jet ski was dragging.

A huge shark gradually surfaced.

This left the girls stunned.

Was this the shark Hachiman had just fought with?

The girls couldn't help but feel a bit dreamy.

Although the shark's body hadn't fully surfaced yet, just seeing its tail being dragged was enough to imagine how massive the entire shark was.

Before long, with the help of the jet ski, Hachiman dragged the great white shark back onto the beach.

Even without the jet ski, Hachiman's current physical strength would have allowed him to drag the shark back to shore single-handedly.

However, it would have been too astonishing. To avoid startling the girls, he chose to use the jet ski as a cover.

Seeing this creature, weighing about 3 tons and measuring over five meters long, the girls were left speechless.

"This... this is a great white shark," Erina noticed in disbelief, seeing the full extent of the shark.

"You fought with this great white shark?!" she exclaimed.

"Yes, I did," Hachiman nodded.

Looking at the dead great white shark and the unharmed Hachiman, Erina opened her mouth in disbelief before finally blurting out two words.


Not just her, the other girls were also staring at Hachiman in astonishment, even Gabriel and the others were surprised.

While he was indeed a hero, he had only recently awakened, which was somewhat against the rules.

But seeing the massive wound on the shark's abdomen, Erina was puzzled.

"How did you kill this great white shark? I remember you didn't have a knife with you."

Hearing her question, Hachiman raised his right hand, fingers forming a knife-like shape. "Of course, I used my hand."

"Haha, do you think I'm stupid?" Erina certainly wouldn't believe such a ridiculous claim.

"Are you trying to tell me you sliced open the belly of this great white shark with your hand? Don't joke around."

Not only Erina, but even Yukino and the others had expressions that said, "Only a fool would believe that."

"Wow, that's impressive! To think you could kill this shark with your bare hands. But I'm sure I, the Great Demon Satania, am even more powerful," Satania laughed.

Well, there's definitely one fool who believes it.

But it's true nonetheless.

Hachiman had expected the girls' disbelief. After all, the notion of killing a fish with bare hands was quite fantastical.

"I knew you wouldn't believe it. Let me show you," he said.

Approaching the shark's fin, Hachiman mimicked a knife with his hand, effortlessly severing the fin from the body.

Raising the fin triumphantly, Hachiman smirked, "See? A perfect shark fin."



Witnessing Hachiman cut off the fin with just his hand, the girls were left wide-eyed in disbelief.

"Hikki, this... you... how..." Even the usually vivacious Yui was rendered speechless, stuttering in amazement.

"Relax, Yui. It's not that big a deal," Hachiman shrugged casually.

Not a big deal?

Hearing his words, the girls were left dumbfounded.

"What's going on? You better explain everything today," Yukino demanded coldly.

"Well, explaining it might be a bit complicated, but I'll give you a brief overview," Hachiman decided to disclose some of his abilities to the girls.

"You all know I'm skilled in swordsmanship."

Upon hearing this, almost all the girls nodded in agreement, except for Mafuyu. After over a year of being together, they had gained some insight into Hachiman.

Seeing everyone nod except for herself, Mafuyu felt a pang of discomfort.

What? Am I the only one out of the loop?

But she remained silent and continued listening to Hachiman's explanation.

"I can do this because I recently attained the pinnacle of swordsmanship."

"Sword Saint!"


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