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Chapter 4

“Good work pet.” Kaa said. Kristen looked over to the snake who had just spoken.

"Thank you, master," Evanna responded with a smile, her voice filled with gratitude and admiration. Kristen couldn't help but feel a surge of frustration and disbelief as she heard Evanna speak so reverently about a snake. It was beyond comprehension for Kristen how someone could find solace in the presence of such a creature.

As Kaa's coils glided smoothly around both girls, their movements were deliberate yet strangely mesmerizing. The serpent's sinuous body encircled their legs in an almost hypnotic manner, creating an intricate dance that held them captive. Kristen desperately wanted to see what was happening below, but Evanna's firm hand covering her mouth restricted any movement or sound from escaping.

The coils continued their ascent, gradually inching higher and higher up their bodies. As they reached the level of their waists, the sensations intensified. The serpentine embrace tightened gently around them both, causing Evanna and Kristen to press closer together until their chests were firmly pressed against one another.

Kristen's heart raced as she felt the tight grip of Kaa's coils constricting around her arms. Panic surged through her veins as she attempted to free herself from his powerful hold, but it was futile. Every ounce of strength she mustered seemed insignificant against the might of the snake.

With desperation clouding her thoughts, Kristen resorted to biting down on Evanna's hand in a desperate attempt to escape. The pain that shot through Evanna caused her to instinctively withdraw her injured hand with a loud cry of anguish.

"OUW!" Evanna exclaimed, tears welling up in her eyes from both physical and emotional pain.

Fury burned within Kristen as she demanded for release, anger lacing every word she uttered. "Let me GO!" Her voice trembled with a mix of fear and defiance.

Kaa turned his attention towards Evanna, assessing the damage inflicted upon his loyal companion by Kristen's actions. With a nod from Evanna confirming that indeed she had been hurt, Kaa spoke with an air of authority and retribution in his voice. "She deserves to be punished for that."

As he moved closer towards Kristen, who braced herself for an impending confrontation, determination flickered in her eyes despite the overwhelming odds stacked against her.

“My dear…” Kaa hissed, his voice dripping with a sinister tone. He slowly extended his forked tongue, deliberately tracing it across Kristen's cheek. A shiver ran down her spine as she instinctively recoiled, but to her horror, she realized that Kaa's coils had tightened around her body, constricting any chance of escape. Her heart pounded in her chest as panic set in.

Struggling to catch her breath and find the words to protest, Kristen managed to utter a choked sound before Kaa swiftly coiled his tail around her delicate neck. The pressure intensified as he applied just enough force to silence any potential screams that might alert others nearby. Fear consumed every fiber of Kristen's being as she found herself trapped in this nightmarish encounter.

With each passing moment, the reality of her situation became more apparent - she was completely at Kaa's mercy. His cold eyes bore into hers with an unsettling intensity while his hypnotic voice echoed through the air like a haunting melody. It was clear that he relished this newfound power over her.

"Let's not make everybody come this way, alright," Kaa chuckled mischievously. He couldn't help but find amusement in the situation. "Now... You deserve to be punished, my dear," he said with a hint of authority in his voice. His eyes shifted towards Evanna, who stood nearby innocently. "Evanna over here did nothing wrong and you hurt her. That wasn't very nice."

Kaa slowly moved his head from left to right around Kristen, creating an eerie sensation as he slithered closer to her. The young girl could feel her nerves intensify as she realized the predicament they were in.

What made it even more unsettling was that her friend seemed completely unfazed by what the snake was doing to them. As both girls dangled off the floor, they sank deeper into Kaa's tight coils.

With his tail wrapped securely around Kristen's neck, Kaa maneuvered his head towards their feet which stuck out from under all his coils. A devious smile played across his face as he skillfully removed both girls' shoes.

Removing Evanna's shoe was relatively easy since she willingly assisted him in the process. Flicking his tongue over her bare foot, Kaa couldn't help but chuckle at Evanna's lovely voice giggle as he licked her soles.

"Thank you, master," Evanna gratefully expressed as Kaa completed his task of attending to her feet momentarily. The soothing sensation of Kaa's touch left her feeling relaxed and appreciative.

Now turning his attention towards Kristen, Kaa encountered a slight challenge in removing her shoes. Kristen seemed determined to keep them out of his reach, constantly shifting them away from him with playful defiance. Undeterred by this resistance, Kaa persisted in his efforts to unfasten the shoes.

After several unsuccessful attempts, frustration began to creep into Kaa's demeanor. Annoyed by Kristen's persistent evasion tactics, he decided to employ a different approach. Swiftly and effortlessly, he tightened the back part of his coils around her neck - not enough to cause harm but just enough pressure for Kristen to realize the futility of resisting further.

Caught off guard by this unexpected turn of events, Kristen found herself struggling for breath as she choked louder under the firm grip of Kaa's coils. Realizing that any movement would only exacerbate her discomfort and potentially worsen the situation, she reluctantly ceased moving her feet around.

With an air of triumph surrounding him now that Kristen had ceased resisting, Kaa expertly removed her shoes without any further hindrance or struggle on her part. Kristen's bare feet were now exposed and vulnerable, just like Evanna's.

Kaa couldn't help but smile as he gazed upon Kristen's gorgeously delicate feet. Evanna had always raved about them, and now he understood why. As Kaa loosened his coils around Kristen, she let out a sigh of relief, thinking the ordeal was over. Little did she know that Kaa had something else in mind.

With a mischievous glint in his eye, Kaa pushed his tail into Kristen's mouth, muffling any protests or pleas for mercy that may have escaped her lips. The sound was muffled but satisfying to Kaa's ears - he wanted to hear more of her muted voice.

Taking his time, Kaa began licking over Kristen's soles with slow and deliberate strokes, starting from the heel and making his way towards her toes. Each lick caused Kristen to squirm within the confines of Kaa's coils. This only fueled Kaa's amusement as he heard her muffled screams and caught glimpses of laughter escaping between them.

'Someone seems to be quite ticklish' thought Kaa with a chuckle as he continued tormenting Kristen's sensitive feet. Not content with just one foot, he repeated the same teasing process on her other foot, relishing in the renewed muffled scream that erupted from Kristen's mouth. The combination of pleasure and discomfort was overwhelming for her, and she struggled to contain her reactions within the confines of Kaa's coils.

Placing his mouth on her delicate heel, Kaa applied a firm suction, making it abundantly clear to Kristen what was transpiring. The intensity of the sensation caused Kristen to emit a piercing scream, amplified by the obstruction of Kaa's tail in her mouth. Overwhelmed by this unfamiliar feeling coursing through her body, Kristen instinctively stretched out her toes in response. Sensing an opportunity for further exploration, Kaa withdrew from her heel which glistened with a thin layer of saliva and directed his attention towards her exposed toes. With an unmistakable grin on his face, he delicately trailed his forked tongue between each individual toe, leaving behind a mesmerizing zigzag pattern that seemed to dance across Kristen's sensitive skin.

Having tormented the beautiful blonde for what felt like an eternity, Kaa knew that it was finally time to seal the deal with Kristen. Reluctantly leaving her wet feet behind, he slithered his way back up to where Kristen's exposed head lay vulnerable from his coils. The sight of her left him in awe - she was a complete mess, breathing heavily and utterly exhausted from the alien experience she had just endured at the hands (or rather, coils) of the snake.

With a mischievous smile on his face, Kaa glanced over at Evanna who returned his gaze with a knowing smile. They were both aware of what was about to happen next - Kaa activating his mesmerizing spiraling eyes. However, thanks to his strategically placed tail, Kristen remained blissfully unaware of the hypnotic power lurking within those captivating orbs.

Carefully removing his tail from her mouth which was now covered in drool due to Kirsten's earlier state of bewilderment and fear-induced salivation, Kaa positioned himself directly in front of Kristen's line of sight. Almost instantaneously, he could see her succumbing to his control as if she were putty in his hands.

A sense of satisfaction washed over him as he observed how effective and potent his torment had been. Kristen's once defiant and strong-willed demeanor had been completely shattered, replaced with a vulnerable and submissive state. Kaa reveled in the power he held over her, knowing that she was now entirely under his control.

As Kristen's mind drifted deeper into the hypnotic trance induced by Kaa's spiraling eyes, her body became limp and pliable. Every suggestion that Kaa whispered into her ear sank deep into her subconscious, molding her thoughts and desires to align with his own. It was a delicate dance of manipulation as Kaa carefully crafted a new reality for Kristen, one in which he was the ultimate authority.


"Kristen, my dear," Kaa began mischievously, his eyes glinting with playful anticipation. "I must inquire about your sentiments regarding my indulgence in further amusement involving your delicate feet." He couldn't help but flash a sly smile as he posed the question.

Without hesitation, Kristen's own smile widened into a radiant expression of trust and submission. Her voice filled with genuine excitement as she responded to her master's inquiry. "Please, feel free to explore any avenue of enjoyment that pleases you, dear master," she graciously offered.

The room was suddenly filled with laughter as Kaa and Evanna exchanged amused glances at each other. The sound resonated throughout the space, echoing their shared delight over Kristen's enthusiastic response.

Kaa, the cunning and mesmerizing serpent, skillfully released both girls from his coils with a mischievous glint in his eyes. Eager to indulge in some exhilarating amusement with these two captivating blondes, he commanded them with authority, "Dance for me, my obedient slaves."

Without hesitation or resistance, Kirsten and Evanna submissively acknowledged their master's command. As if possessed by an enchanting melody that only they could hear, they gracefully began swaying their hips in perfect synchrony to the sensuous music playing within their minds.

A sense of delight washed over Kaa as he observed his prized pets effortlessly enthralling him with their seductive movements. Their bodies moved fluidly through space as though they were ethereal beings born solely to captivate and please him.

With each graceful turn and alluring gesture, Kaa found himself increasingly enchanted by the sheer beauty and grace that emanated from these two blonde sirens. The room seemed to come alive with an electric energy as the air became charged with anticipation of what was yet to come.

As Kirsten and Evanna continued their entrancing performance under Kaa's watchful gaze, time seemed suspended; every moment stretched out like a tantalizing thread waiting to be unraveled further into the depths of pleasure and desire. The room was filled with an intoxicating mix of power, submission, and raw sensuality. Kaa reveled in the control he held over his obedient slaves, their every movement a testament to their unwavering devotion.

"Take off your clothes, slaves," Kaa commanded with authority, his eyes keenly observing every intricate movement of Kirsten and Evanna. As the two beautiful blondes stood before their master, they couldn't help but exchange a mischievous smile that carried an air of seduction.

With grace and deliberate slowness, Kirsten and Evanna began to peel away their garments one piece at a time. Each article of clothing revealed more of their flawless skin as it cascaded down to the floor, leaving them vulnerable yet empowered in their nakedness. Their movements were synchronized, almost choreographed as if they had rehearsed this act countless times.

Kaa's mesmerizing eyes were locked onto Kristen, the stunning blonde who had recently become his prized possession. She was undeniably a remarkable addition to his collection. In this moment, both girls stood before him in nothing but their delicate undergarments, creating an atmosphere charged with anticipation.

With a subtle flick of his tail, Kaa encouraged them to proceed further into the depths of their shared desires. Evanna bravely took the lead and unclasped her bra, allowing it to gracefully cascade down and join the growing pile on the floor. The room seemed to hold its breath as Kristen mirrored her actions, freeing herself from the confines of her own bra and revealing even more of her exquisite beauty.

As each garment fell away, it became increasingly evident that Kaa held not only physical power over them but also possessed an uncanny ability to awaken their deepest desires. With every movement they made under his watchful gaze, they felt a surge of exhilaration mingled with trepidation - a potent cocktail of anticipation and surrender.

"Kristen, don't you think Evanna deserves a reward for the incredible role she played in bringing us together?" Kaa's gaze shifted towards Evanna, who couldn't help but smirk with her mesmerizing spiraling eyes. She knew exactly where this conversation was headed.

"You're absolutely right, my dear master. If it hadn't been for Evanna's intervention, I would have never had the privilege of meeting you," Kristen acknowledged gratefully. With a mischievous glint in her eye, she playfully pushed Evanna down to the floor and joined her on the ground. Gently grasping Evanna's right foot, Kristen proceeded to indulge herself by sensually running her tongue along the sole - starting from the bottom of her heel and gliding all the way up to the top of each delicate toe - executing each motion effortlessly and smoothly.

Evanna's body trembled with sheer pleasure, her senses overwhelmed by the exquisite sensation coursing through her. A wave of delightful shudders cascaded from head to toe, electrifying every nerve ending in a symphony of ecstasy. With a grateful smile directed towards her master, she softly whispered those two simple words that held so much meaning, "Mmhhh thank you, master."

The intensity of the moment was heightened beyond measure as Kristen skillfully and persistently continued to explore every inch of Evanna's sole with an undeniable expertise. Her tongue danced across the sensitive skin, tracing delicate patterns that sent waves of pleasure radiating throughout Evanna's entire being. Each touch felt like pure bliss as Kristen lavished attention upon this one part of her body.

Kristen's devotion knew no bounds as she added tender kisses between each lick and nibble on Evanna's sole. It was as if she were worshipping this sacred space with reverence and adoration. The combination of sensations - the gentle caresses, sensual exploration, and loving kisses - created an intoxicating blend that left Evanna breathless with desire.

"How about the other one, slave?" Kaa said with a mischievous grin, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "And why don't you return the favor to Kristen, my dear pet?" he added, casting a meaningful glance towards the other blonde in the room. Eager to please her master and explore new boundaries of submission, Kristen obediently took Evanna's other foot into her hands and began worshipping it just as passionately.

"Yes, master," Evanna responded eagerly, her voice filled with a hint of excitement that sent shivers down her spine. Her eyes gleamed with anticipation as she extended her delicate hands towards Kristen's left foot and firmly grasped it. With tender care, she pressed soft kisses all over the surface of Kristen's foot, relishing in the sensation of each touch.

Kaa watched with a satisfied smile as the two blondes indulged in their shared passion for feet worship. Their lips met passionately, exploring every inch of each other's feet with fervor and devotion. It was as if their desires had merged into one, driven not only by their own cravings but also by his commanding presence.

The room was filled with an intoxicating mix of pleasure and submission. Every kiss and lick exchanged between Evanna and Kristen deepened their connection to one another and to Kaa himself. The power dynamics at play were palpable - Evanna willingly surrendering herself to fulfill both her own desires and those bestowed upon her by Kaa.

In this sacred act of worship, time seemed to stand still as they lost themselves in the ecstasy that came from fulfilling their hearts' deepest longings. Each touch ignited a fire within them that burned brighter with every passing moment.

As Kaa silently observed the scene unfolding before his mesmerizing eyes, a sense of overwhelming pride and satisfaction washed over him like a tidal wave. The success of his carefully orchestrated plan was surpassing even his wildest expectations, leaving him in awe of his own cunning abilities. Evanna, Bonnie, Emma - each one had succumbed to his hypnotic powers and willingly became part of his collection. And now, with the addition of Kristen, he could hardly contain his excitement for what lay ahead.

The anticipation bubbled within Kaa's slithering form as he eagerly awaited the arrival of more unsuspecting girls who would unknowingly become captivated by his enchantment. His heart raced with delight at the thought of their helpless surrender to him – their minds becoming mere playthings under his control.

But it wasn't just about power or dominance for Kaa; it was also about indulging in the pleasure that came from watching these once-independent individuals succumb to their deepest desires and fantasies. Each new acquisition brought forth a renewed thrill as he reveled in their vulnerability and submission.

With an insatiable hunger for conquest burning deep within him, Kaa couldn't help but wonder who else fate would bring into his grasp. His mind danced with possibilities - vibrant personalities that would fall under his spell, each one adding to the tapestry of his collection.

Kaa, with a mischievous grin on his face, slowly approached Evanna and positioned himself next to her. He couldn't help but smile as he looked at her, his eyes filled with anticipation. "Is she doing a good job?" he inquired eagerly. Evanna, still sucking on Kristen's sole, responded by flashing him a radiant smile that clearly conveyed her immense pleasure.

"Oh master, she is absolutely amazing!" Evanna exclaimed excitedly. Her vibrant smile and captivating colorful eyes always had the power to transform Kaa's girls into the most adorable creatures when they were enjoying themselves. Unable to contain his amusement any longer, Kaa let out a chuckle of delight.

"Very good indeed," Kaa remarked playfully while raising an eyebrow suggestively. "But tell me, don't I deserve something in return for providing such enjoyment?" His eyes sparkled with mischief as he awaited Evanna's response. Without hesitation, Evanna leaned in closer and planted a gentle kiss on Kaa's cheek.

A slight disappointment flickered across Kaa's face as he teasingly asked again, "That's all?" However, before he could dwell on it for too long, Evanna burst into giggles and leaned in once more. This time she showered his coiled head in kisses. As Kaa felt the soft touch of Evanna's lips on his coiled head, a wave of pleasure washed over him. He couldn't help but let out a contented sigh as she continued to pepper him with kisses. Evanna's laughter filled the air, adding to the playful atmosphere between them.

Kaa gazed deeply into the girl's eyes, his heart pounding with anticipation. As Evanna leaned in closer once again, he couldn't resist the magnetic pull between them and eagerly reciprocated her passionate kiss. The warmth of their entwined lips sent shivers down Kaa's spine, a sensation that mirrored the electric chemistry they shared.

In that moment, a mischievous smile danced across Evanna's face as she boldly pushed her tongue into Kaa's waiting mouth. It was an act of surrender to their desires, an invitation for deeper exploration and connection. Little did she know what lay ahead.

But it was Kaa who held a secret weapon—a long and sinuous forked tongue that possessed a tantalizing ability to pleasure beyond imagination. As their tongues intertwined like graceful dancers engaged in an intimate tango, Kaa skillfully wrapped his unique appendage around Evanna's own tongue.

The sensation that followed was nothing short of extraordinary—an intoxicating blend of pleasure and ecstasy that coursed through both of their bodies.

Evanna couldn't help but release an involuntary moan as the overwhelming pleasure consumed her. The sound sent a jolt of excitement through Kaa, fueling his desire to explore every inch of her being. Their bodies pressed closer together, their kisses growing more urgent and passionate with each passing moment.

Evanna's hands began to roam, exploring the curves and contours of Kaa's coiled scales. Evanna's fingers traced along Kaa's muscular coils, feeling their strength and power. Kaa's tail gently cupped Evanna's face as he deepened their kiss, his touch both tender and possessive.

Kristen, completely immersed in her worship of Evanna, found herself completely consumed by the moment. As she continued to show her devotion to Evanna, a wave of pleasure washed over her body. In that intense moment, she couldn't help but let out a loud moan of ecstasy. It was at that very instant when Kristen felt the sensation of two mouths on her delicate feet.

To her surprise and delight, Kaa and Evanna had each taken one foot into their respective mouths. The feeling was absolutely intoxicating as they both began to suckle on her toes with fervor. Their actions were not only audible but also incredibly stimulating; the sound of their enthusiastic sucking resonated through the room.

Overwhelmed by this mind-bending experience, Kristen's hypnotized state intensified even further. She could feel herself being transported to a realm where pleasure reigned supreme. The combination of physical sensations and mental surrender pushed her beyond any previous limits.

As waves of bliss coursed through every fiber of Kristen's being, she couldn't contain herself any longer. Her body responded instinctively, succumbing to uncontrollable spasms as an explosive climax ripped through her core. Her screams echoed throughout Kaa's harem chamber as she released all inhibitions and allowed herself to fully embrace the pleasure that consumed her. It was a moment of pure surrender, a release of all control and inhibition.


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