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Finally it's finished, sorry it took so damn long. I hope you enjoy.

Chapter 2

“Thank you everybody.” The director shouted to all the crew.

“Come on.” Bonnie said, her voice filled with excitement as she giggled and tugged at Emma’s arm, pulling her along towards the trailer. Emma grinned, trying to keep up with Bonnie's pace without stumbling over.

As they reached the door of Bonnie's trailer, Bonnie quickly locked it behind them before kicking off her shoes. Emma followed suit, taking a seat on the cozy couch while removing her own footwear. As she settled in next to Bonnie, she watched as her friend picked up one of Emma's feet and pulled off the sock.

Following suit, Emma did the same for one of Bonnie’s feet.

Both girls placed the foot they were holding against their faces and started inhaling their scent. “Mmmmm…” Bonnie moaned as she smelled Emma’s foot.

"I know right," Emma exclaimed, as she leaned over to take a closer look at Bonnie's foot. She gently reached out and touched it, feeling the warmth emanating from it. "Could you stretch your toes?" Emma asked with a smile on her face, eager to get a better view of Bonnie's beautiful feet.

Bonnie immediately complied with Emma's request and stretched out her toes, revealing their delicate shape and form. As she did so, Emma couldn't resist taking in the sweet scent of her friend's feet. She pushed her nose right in between them and took a deep whiff.

"Mmmmmmmm…" Emma moaned louder as she savored the aroma of Bonnie's feet. The smell was intoxicating - a heady mix of sweat and perfume that sent shivers down Emma's spine. She closed her eyes for a moment, lost in the pleasure of this simple act.

After a few moments had passed, Emma pulled back and smiled at Bonnie once more. "Thanks for indulging me," she said with a grin. "Your feet are just so lovely."

Bonnie's lips curved upwards in a smile as she leaned forward and placed them against the ball of Emma's foot, savoring the softness and warmth of her skin. She gave it a short, gentle kiss before repeating the action again and again, enjoying every moment of it. The feeling was so intimate and sensual that Bonnie couldn't resist kissing Emma's foot repeatedly, starting at her heel and working her way up towards her toes.

As Bonnie continued to shower Emma with kisses on her sole, she noticed that Emma had also started to return the favor by kissing Bonnie's feet. It was an unexpected but delightful surprise for Bonnie who felt a rush of pleasure coursing through her body at this reciprocation of affection.

The two women giggled like schoolgirls as they exchanged sweet kisses on each other's feet, lost in their own little world where nothing else mattered except for this moment of pure bliss.

Emma smiled contentedly as she kissed each one of Bonnie's toes in turn. The two women were clearly having fun with this playful exchange of affectionate gestures. In response to Emma's kisses, Bonnie grinned mischievously and began wiggling her toes teasingly.

This caused Emma to giggle uncontrollably as she tried to continue kissing each toe despite their movement. Despite all the laughter and playfulness between them, Bonnie didn't stop showering attention on Emma’s foot.

After a few minutes of showering Emma's feet with kisses, Bonnie finally stopped and leaned back on the couch. As she caught her breath, she couldn't help but admire how soft Emma's feet were. "Your feet are so incredibly soft," Bonnie exclaimed with a smile that lit up her face. "especially your soles!" Bonnie said. She than planted yet another loving kiss on them. It was clear that Bonnie found great pleasure in pampering and doting on Emma's delicate little feet.

Bonnie held Emma's foot up to her face, studying it intently. She examined the curves and contours of each toe, marveling at the delicate intricacies of Emma's foot.

Without warning, Bonnie leaned in and trailed her tongue along the sole of Emma's foot, relishing in the salty taste that lingered there. Bonnie continued licking all over Emma's sole moaning every time she went over the ball of her foot. Emma let out a soft moan as Bonnie's tongue caressed her foot. She closed her eyes and leaned back, enjoying the sensation of Bonnie's warm breath and wet tongue on her skin. As Bonnie continued to lick Emma's foot, she could feel herself getting more and more aroused.

Emma couldn't hold back any more and furiously took her tongue out and dragged her wet tongue over Bonnie's sole. Slobbering all over Bonnie's foot, Emma was making Bonnie's foot completely soaked. "mmmmmhhhhh..." Bonnie moaned in delight while sucking on Emma's big toe. Emma continued lapping at Bonnie's feet.

Bonnie was completely focused on Emma's feet as she started to lick faster, her tongue moving from Emma's heels all the way down to her toes. She savored every inch of skin, circling her tongue around Emma's heels and absorbing all of the taste before lapping up towards her arches. Bonnie continued to worship Emma's feet with complete devotion, taking in every detail and savoring each moment.

As she reached the top of Emma's foot, Bonnie took a moment to appreciate how beautiful it looked before proceeding to lick each toe individually. She paid attention to each one carefully, making sure that no spot was left untouched by her eager tongue. Once she had thoroughly licked each toe clean, Bonnie wrapped her lips around them and sucked gently.

Emma couldn't help but feel a shiver run down her spine as Bonnie worked on each toe with such care and attention. Her back arched involuntarily as she let out a deep sigh of pleasure while Bonnie worshipped at her feet with complete dedication.

It was clear that for Bonnie there was nothing more important than pleasing Emma in this moment - worshipping at the altar of her perfect feet until they were both completely satisfied.

Emma was completely consumed by the intense pleasure she was experiencing, so much so that she unintentionally neglected to attend to Bonnie's needs. She had been so absorbed in her own ecstasy that even though her foot was in her mouth, she wasn't actively sucking it. As a result of this overwhelming state of arousal, Emma's chin became coated with drool which dripped down onto the couch beneath her. It seemed as though Emma had entered a trance-like state where all of her focus and energy were solely directed towards herself and the sensations coursing through her body.

Bonnie pulled her foot back out of Emma's mouth with a wet pop and let go of Emma's foot to speak. "Emma, are you okay?" Bonnie asked with teasing joy in her voice. Emma's eyes slowly opened as she came back to reality and looked up at Bonnie.

Emma smiled sheepishly, feeling a bit embarrassed for being so caught up in the moment. "Sorry about that," she said, wiping her chin with the back of her hand.

Bonnie smiled back at her, "Don't be sorry. That was incredibly hot." Emma blushed.

After a moment of silence, Bonnie leaned in towards Emma and whispered, "Do you want me to continue?" Emma's eyes widened with excitement as she nodded eagerly. Bonnie chuckled softly before returning her attention to Emma's feet. She began to lick and suck on each toe once again, this time with even more intensity than before.

As Bonnie continued to lavish attention on Emma's feet, Emma felt her arousal building once again. She couldn't believe how much pleasure she was experiencing from such a simple act - having her toes licked and sucked. It was like nothing else mattered in the world except for the sensations coursing through her body.

Bonnie and Emma were completely absorbed in their foot worship session, each lost in the sensations of having their feet adored. They had been under the spell of Kaa's spiraling eyes for some time ago. As Bonnie continued to lavish attention on Emma's feet, her own eyes became a mesmerizing swirl of colors - blue, red, pink, orange, green, yellow, brown and purple - all blending together in an endless cycle that matched the hypnotic rhythm they were both caught up in.

Meanwhile, Emma was equally engrossed in sucking on Bonnie's heel and didn't even realize that her own eyes had taken on a similar pattern until she opened them just a crack. It was then that anyone could easily see how deeply affected she was by Kaa's hypnotic gaze. The color pattern in her eyes was unmistakable and revealed just how thoroughly she had succumbed to its power.

Despite being under this powerful trance-like state induced by Kaa’s spiral eyes; Bonnie and Emma remained oblivious to everything else around them as they indulged themselves further into their foot fetish fantasies. Time seemed to stand still as they enjoyed every moment of it without any interruption or distraction from the outside world.

Knock knock knock*

Both gasped and surprised looking towards the door.

“Emma? Bonnie? Are you both in here?” A familiar voice asked.

Quickly both women cleaned themselves up as fast as they could.

“I’ll be right there, just a second.” Emma shouted.

“Okey.” The voice said happily.

Emma and Bonnie both cleaned up and quickly put their shoes back on, while Emma walked towards the door she quickly looked at the oven close by to see her reflection and fixed her hair only a little.

Opening the door Evanna was waiting with a smile. “Evanna come in.” Emma held the door open for her.

“Thank you. What were you girls doing?” Evanna asked.

“We were just chatting, you know.” Emma said, looking towards Bonnie. Both Emma and Bonnie’s hypnotic trigger activated unbeknownst to them. “Maybe you would like to join us? Bonnie and I were just about to leave for the forest.” She said with a smile to which Bonnie nodded.

“Uhm sure why not.” Evanna replied with a shrug. Both women smiled excitedly.

In the forest.

Kaa, the sly and cunning snake, hung off a sturdy branch high up in the treetops. He had just finished devouring his latest meal and was feeling quite content with himself. As he basked in the warmth of the sun, he suddenly heard some familiar voices down below. But there was also a new voice that caught his attention.

Intrigued by this unexpected addition to the group, Kaa couldn't resist investigating further. With a mischievous grin on his face, he slithered towards the sound of their chatter.

As he made his way closer to them from above, Kaa could see Emma and Bonnie walking along with an unfamiliar blonde girl. The other girl was undeniably attractive - she had luscious curly hair and a figure that would make any man weak at the knees.

But Kaa knew better than to be fooled by appearances alone. He watched as they chatted away happily while Emma and Bonnie led their unsuspecting companion straight towards Kaa's carefully laid trap.

With excitement building inside him, Kaa waited patiently for just the right moment to strike...

“This place is very pretty.” Evanna said, looking all around her. the massive trees filled with leaves.

"That's one of the reasons we like coming here." Bonnie said with a smile. Her post hypnotic programming urgde her to keep getting Evanna further into the forest.

The three girls sat closely together, forming a small and cozy triangle. They were chatting away about various topics, laughing and giggling as they did so. Little did they know that Kaa was lurking nearby, hidden behind a bush. He had been watching them for some time now, trying to come up with the perfect plan to approach them.

After much contemplation, he finally made his move and left from behind the bush. However, instead of immediately hypnotizing one of the girls like he had done before with Bonnie and Emma, he decided to have a bit of fun first.

Evanna had her back turned towards Kaa as she sat so it was the perfect way to make Emma and Bonnie see his eyes. he quickly got both girls attention and flashed his hypnotic eyes at them noticing both girls give a dumb smile but continued on talking with Evanna.

"Hellooo" Kaa said.

Evanna turned around surprised by the sudden voice.

"Hello.""Hi" Bonnie replied sweatly and Emma with a smile.

"y-you can talk." Evanna stated surprised.

"I can indeed. I had a few wonderful conversations with Bonnie and Emma." Kaa said grinning. "Girls could you introduce me to your lovely friend?" the snake asked.

"You and..." Evanna gaped towards the girls behind her both smiling at the snake.

"Of course Kaa! This is Evanna she works with us on the film set." Emma explained with a very girly giggle.

"Evanna... such a pretty name for a pretty girl." the snake said looking over Evanna.

Evanna tried to hide her blush at the compliment, it was a little weird coming from a snake but she strangly liked it. "t-thank you."

"How can I help you lovely ladiessss today?" Kaa asked moving closer towards Bonnie.

Evanna noticed Kaa placing his coils around Bonnie's body and explained, "Oh, we were just taking a break and enjoying some relaxation time." She couldn't help but feel a little uneasy about the situation. As she watched Kaa's movements carefully, she wondered what he was up to. Perhaps it was just his way of being playful with Bonnie, but there was something unsettling about the way he held her tightly in his grasp. Evanna tried to shake off her worries and focus on enjoying her own break, but she couldn't help feeling like something wasn't quite right. Despite this nagging feeling in the back of her mind, she decided to trust that everything would be okay and continued to relax alongside them.

"Don't worry my dear. Bonnie likes to be held in my coils don't you?" Kaa asked the red haired beauty fliking his tongue against her ear.

Bonnie let out a contented sigh as she snuggled deeper into Kaa's coils, relishing in the sensation of being held tightly. "Mmmhhh I love it when you hold me like this," she murmured, rubbing herself against his smooth scales.

Kaa chuckled softly at her words, enjoying the way Bonnie seemed to melt into his embrace. Evanna watched them with interest, curious about their dynamic and wondering if there was more to their relationship than met the eye.

She turned to Emma for her opinion on the matter but found that her friend was looking at Bonnie and Kaa with a wistful expression. It was clear that Emma too would have liked nothing more than to trade places with Bonnie and experience what it felt like to be wrapped up in Kaa's strong coils.

"Can i have a turn in your coils Kaa?" Emma asked him wich shocked Evanna. Evanna looked over to Bonnie was looking like she was loving being in Kaa's coils. Bonnie had her eyes closed and her head hanging back exposing her slender neck.

"Of course dear, but i can have you both in my coilsss." Kaa chuckled. sliding some of his coils away from Bonnie he started wrapping up Emma in his coils.

Emma smiled and hummed in appreciation as Kaa's coils wrapped itself around her body.

Evanna couldn't help but feel even more uneasy now that Kaa had both Bonnie and Emma in his coils. She watched as he held them tightly, wondering if they were truly safe with him. Despite her concerns, she didn't want to ruin their enjoyment of the moment and decided to keep her worries to herself.

Kaa, the sly and cunning serpent, found himself with some free time on his hands well tail. As he lay coiled up in a comfortable position, an idea struck him - why not have a little fun? With that thought in mind, Kaa began to slowly tighten his coils around Bonnie and Emma's bodies. The two girls gasped as they felt the pressure increase against their skin, but soon enough they realized that it was actually quite pleasurable. The sensation of Kaa's strong muscles flexing against them sent shivers down their spines and made them moan with delight. Kaa couldn't help but grin smugly as he watched the girls wriggle beneath him in ecstasy. It seemed like this little game would be keeping all three of them occupied for quite some time…

But he couldn't forget Evanna. The petite blonde seemed a little uncomfertible aroud him as he had Bonnie and emma in his coils moan in pleasure. Kaa needed to hypnotize her soon or else she might leave or worse tell others about him.

"Would you like to have a try Evanna?" the sly snake asked her nicely. Evanna's eyes shot up towards nervously.

"uhm thank you for the offer Kaa but i-" Before Evanva could finish her sentence Emma spoke.

"Come on, Evanna, just give it a try. I promise you'll love it," Emma pleaded with her friend as Kaa tightened his hold on the brunette.

Bonnie chimed in agreement, "Yessss, Evanna, it'sssss abssssolutely wonderful!" To Evanna's shock and surprise, Bonnie even hissed like a snake to emphasize her point. Despite her initial hesitation and uncertainty about whatever they were referring to, Evanna couldn't help but feel intrigued by their enthusiasm.

"Al-Alright then." Evanna agreed. Kaa smiled deviously as he let go of Emma and Bonnie. kaa moved his coils over to Evanna and slowly started to coil up Evanna. Evanna shivered a little as she felt Kaa's hot coils slide along her body.

With each slow movement of Kaa's hot coils against her body, Evanna shivered involuntarily. The sensation was both exhilarating and terrifying at the same time. She tried to keep calm, reminding herself that she was safe with Kaa - or so she hoped.

As the coiling continued, Evanna found herself becoming more entranced by Kaa's movements. It was as if his coils were hypnotizing her into submission. Despite knowing better than to let down her guard around him, Evanna couldn't resist the allure of Kaa's power over her.

"Do you like it?" As she was being enveloped by Kaa's massive body, a pleasurable moan escaped her lips. The sensation of Kaa's coils rubbing against her skin felt as if she was getting a full-body massage. Every inch of her body tingled with excitement as Kaa continued to embrace her tightly. She couldn't help but feel safe and protected in his strong grip. Indeed, there was something special about this moment that made Evanna feel alive and connected to nature in a way that she had never experienced before.

"Girls, can you please remove her shoes and socks?" Kaa asked Emma and Bonnie while he massaged Evanna in his coils, distracting her. He flashed his hypnotic spiraling eyes at them. Immediately, Emma and Bonnie obeyed.

Both girls took a hold of Evanna's exposed feet and started to remove her shoes and socks. Evanna was wrapped up in kaa's coils so distracted by them that she didn't notice Bonnie and Emma at all.

"Very good girlss." Kaa complimented when they were finished. "Nooowww. Why don't you start rubbing her feet." The girls did, there elegant slender hands each held a foot to rub and massage.

Evanna was in a state of pure bliss as Kaa's coils wrapped around her body, providing a sensation that she had never experienced before. As Kaa whispered into her ear and flicked his tongue against her earlobe, Evanna couldn't help but moan with pleasure.

"Are you liking it my dear?" Kaa asked softly, his voice filled with seduction.

"Yes," Evanna replied breathlessly. "Your coils feel amazing on my soles."

Unbeknownst to Evanna, Emma and Bonnie were rubbing her feet gently, adding to the overall sensation of pleasure that she was experiencing. It was as if the entire world had faded away and all that mattered in that moment was the incredible feeling coursing through every inch of her body.

As time passed by slowly but surely, Evanna remained lost in this euphoric state - completely unaware of anything else happening around her except for the intense sensations running through every nerve ending in her body.

Kaa, the sly and cunning serpent, couldn't help but flash a smug smile as he deftly shifted his coils to adjust Evanna's position. With her now sitting up, she was finally able to see Emma and Bonnie diligently rubbing her feet with soothing strokes. As Evanna slowly registered what was happening around her, she gradually opened her eyes in surprise. Her initial shock turned into awe as she realized that while she was in Kaa's coils Emma and Bonnie were rubbing her feet.

"Ughhh girls what are you doing?" Evanna asked, confused.

"Were rubbing your feet of course silly Kaa asked us to do it and you seemed to greatly enjoy it." Bonnie responded with her dazzling smile.

"B-But..." Evanna was confused as to why.

"Girls, Evanna is not relaxing why don't you both start kissing her feet so she will; relax." Kaa said to Emma and Bonnie.

"Wa-wait Emma! Bonnie! you don't have t-" Evanna tried to move her feet away from them but she was trapped in Kaa's coils. Emma and Bonnie started kissing her feet slowly.

As Emma and Bonnie continued to shower Evanna's feet with kisses, she couldn't help but feel a rush of emotions. Though she had always known about her foot fetish, it was something that she had kept hidden from others for the longest time. But now, as two people indulged in her deepest desires right in front of her eyes, Evanna felt exposed and vulnerable.

She remembered how in past relationships, she had tried to bring up this topic slowly and cautiously without really revealing too much about herself. However, every attempt ended up being futile as nobody seemed to understand or appreciate what she wanted.

But now things were different; As they continued their ministrations on her feet, Evanna finally allowed herself to let go of all inhibitions and revel in the pleasure that came along with it. She knew that this was just the beginning of a beautiful journey towards self-discovery and acceptance.

"Very good girls. Do you like it Evanna?" Kaa asked with a sly grin as he watched Emma and Bonnie indulging themselves to Evanna's feet. The three of them were in the middle of a scene, and Kaa was enjoying watching his two hypnotized thralls worshiping their friends' feet. He didn't really need Evanna to answer him, as her moans and gasps made it clear that she was thoroughly enjoying herself.

Kaa had always been fascinated by foot worship, and he loved exploring this kink with his partners. Watching Emma and Bonnie lavishing attention on Evanna's feet was incredibly arousing for him, especially since all three women were so beautiful.

As the scene continued, Kaa encouraged the girls to explore different sensations - from soft kisses on the arches of Evanna's feet to more intense nibbling on her toes. Each touch elicited a different response from Evanna, who writhed in pleasure under their ministrations.

deciding at was about time to seal the deal with Evanna to make sure she wouldn't tell anyone about him he got ready to hypnotize her and add her to his ever growing group of hypnotized slavegirls. Kaa was a little reluctant though it would seem they had successfully seduced Evanna into joining his erotic playing without any hypnosis.

Watching them a little longer his thoughts lingered feeling conflicted. shaking his head he made a decision he was still going to hypnotize her the risk is still too big to let her leave without any commands.

"Evanna dear can you hear me?" Kaa asked the blonde girl who was wrapped up in pleasure that it wouldn't surprise him if she wouldn't even respond.

"Ughhh yes Kaa?" Evanna responded with her eyes still closed.

"Why don't you open your eyes so you can enjoy watching them pamper your feet, it's quite the view I do have to say myself." Kaa said he had placed his head in between both girls so when Evanna would open her eyes she couldn't miss his spiraling eyes.

surprisingly though Evanna didn't open her eyes. "No thank you Kaa." Evanna gasped as Emma nibbled on her heel. Kaa looked surprised and couldn't hold back a smile.

'Apparently my playthings are better than I thought.' kaa thought. He quickly got an idea to make sure she would open her eyes. "Evanna dear if you don't take a look i might have to force by making Emma and Bonnie tickle you untill you do."

"Ugghhh no please don't this feels so amazing." Evanna moaned but not looking at them.

"Girls... stop kissing her and start tickling her feet." Kaa told Emma and Bonnie who immediatly did.

“Wha–Ha... Haha... St-Stop... Stop it! Stop it, stop it, that really tickles!” Evanna laughed.

“Why would I ssstop It sounds like your enjoying it, and besides you still haven't opened your eyes for me.” Kaa said. Bonnie and Emma smiled while they tickled Evanna's soles.

“Ooooh... st-stop it! Just... haha…” She said, trying to move her legs away from Emma and bonnie. Kaa’s grip was very tight so she couldn’t move anyway. "Em-Emma ple-ase st-stop." Evanna begged her friend but Emma continued on. Kaa then moved his head close to Bonnie, flicking his tongue against her cheek. “good job girls.”

“O.. ooh m-m-my g-go-god ple-aseee st-stop.” Evanna had tears in her eyes.

"You know what you need to do to make them stop." Kaa teased her.

"ughh-ughh I-." Evanna sounded hysterical but opened her eyes only to see Emma, Bonnie and Kaa watching her. whoever her eyes fixated towards Kaa's eyes they seemed so beautiful especially the colors that were appearing and disappearing.

Red, orange, blue, purple, yellow, green, teal, brown and pink. Red, orange, blue, purple, yellow, green, teal, brown and pink. Red, orange, blue, purple, yellow, green, teal, brown and pink.

These colors were repeatedly coming from Kaa's eyes into Evanna's, Kaa moved around a little, forcing her to follow the movement. It all just made Evanna feel very delighted trying to look at all these colors warping in and out of her vision.

Evanna slowly started to smile thanks to the blissful feeling she felt. without even realizing it Emma and Bonnie also shared the same spiraling eyes like Evanna only being completely hypnotized by the snake already, just waiting with mindless smiles.

"Would you like to bbe my plaything Evanna?" Kaa asked the blonde with a smile and began to move Evanna closer to his face.

Evanna nodded with her mouth open in awe , "I-I… would love to… be your… plaything Kaa Best idea..." Kaa chuckled as a goofy grin replaced the awed look on the girl's face as he took the advantage again and swerved to the right, then to the left and then up and down, again with a slow enough pace for Evanna to follow easily.

Kaa moved in closer to the human's face, making her eyes widen once again to take all the colors in, "That's a good girl." Evanna giggled, hearing approval from the snake she started to care for. "Do you want to be a good girl for me, Evanna? Obey me without question?"

Evanna nodded eagerly, "Yes, of course. I would… love… to be… your good girl and loyal plaything, devoted and loving to… y-you" She droned on mindlessly as she stared into the void of colors shining through the darkness happily.

Kaa, the sly and cunning snake, turned to Evanna with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Would you like to join Emma and Bonnie in their servitude towards me?" he asked, his voice dripping with seduction. He leaned in closer, his hypnotic gaze fixed on her. "Imagine all three of you serving and obeying me like good little playthings," he whispered.

Evanna's heart raced as she looked into Kaa's eyes. She knew that joining Emma and Bonnie would mean submitting herself entirely to the serpent's will - but there was something so good about joining her friends.

Emma and Bonnie, were already under Kaa's spell, their bodies swaying gently as they awaited his next command.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of indecision, Evanna nodded slowly. "Yes," she said softly. "I'll join them." And with those words, her fate was sealed - she too had become a willing servant to the hypnotic powers of Kaa the snake.


Evanna's body went limp in Kaa's coils, a large happy, and goofy smile sitting on her face as she stared off into space awaiting her orders from the snake she obeyed.

Kaa, the wise and powerful snake, slowly unwrapped Evanna from his coils. She stood next to Emma and Bonnie, both of whom were also under Kaa's hypnotic spell. As he gazed upon them with great pleasure, Kaa couldn't help but feel a sense of pride seeing his girls standing side by side. They all had the same goofy smile on their beautiful faces - a clear indication that they were fully under his control. The way they looked at him with admiration and reverence made him feel invincible. It was as if nothing could stand in the way of his ultimate goal: to have complete domination over as many mesmerized women as possible.

Kaa, the charming and cunning snake, looked over his collection of playthings with a wide grin on his face. He felt a rush of excitement as he gazed at the three lovely girls before him - each one unique in her own way. The blonde had long wavy hair that fell naturally down her back in perfect waves, making Kaa want to reach out and run his tail through it. The brunette's hair was shorter but no less stunning - styled into an elegant shoulder-length lob that framed her delicate features perfectly. And then there was the fiery redhead, whose were neatly tamed into submission by careful brushing and styling.

Kaa, the serpent leader, had a mischievous glint in his eye as he addressed Emma, Evanna and Bonnie. The three girls stood before him with bated breaths, waiting for their instructions. Kaa's voice boomed through the room as he spoke,"When I say 'GO', each of you will grab a foot belonging to one of your friends and start worshiping it." He chuckled at the thought of what was about to happen. The girls looked at each other in confusion but didn't dare question their master.

Kaa continued,"You'll kiss, lick, suck, bite or nibble, anything you can imagine on your friend's feet." He moved a little back and prepared himself to give them the go-ahead signal. "Do you understand girls?" he asked with an air of authority.

The three young ladies nodded eagerly in unison,"Yes master!" they replied excitedly.

With that affirmation from his obedient subjects, Kaa said the trigger word giving them the go ahead signaling that it was time to begin. And so began an evening filled with giggles and squeals as the girls dropped to the ground and each girl took a foot belonging to the other.

The three girls were sitting in an interesting formation, forming a triangle. Emma was situated at the top of the triangle and had her hands full with one foot belonging to Evanna on her left side and another foot from Bonnie on her right side. Meanwhile, Evanna sat beside Emma, holding two feet - one belonging to Emma herself and the other from Bonnie. On Emma's right-hand side was Bonnie who seemed to be enjoying sucking on Emma's toes while also having Evanna's foot resting comfortably in her lap which she rubbed with one hand.

It was quite a sight to see these girls all tangled up together in such an intimate way. The closeness between them was palpable as they shared this unique moment of physical connection. Each girl seemed completely comfortable with their assigned role within this intriguing arrangement, almost as if it had been rehearsed beforehand.

Emma appeared to be the leader of this little group, taking charge by holding onto both of her friends' feet simultaneously. It was clear that she enjoyed being at the center of attention and relished in the feeling of control over her friends' bodies.

Evanna looked content sitting next to Emma while holding onto both sets of feet; perhaps she felt secure knowing that she had a firm grip on things despite not being in control like Emma.

Emma is passionately kissing the blonde's foot repeatedly, showing her deep affection and admiration for it. Evanna, on the other hand, is licking Bonnie's sole with great enthusiasm and dedication. It seems like she enjoys every bit of it as she carefully licks every nook and cranny of Bonnie's foot. Meanwhile, Bonnie reciprocates by sucking on Emma's toes while holding Evanna's foot in her lap rubbing it.

Kaa couldn't believe his luck. He had always dreamed of being surrounded by beautiful girls, and now it was actually happening. The massive snake slithered around the group of girls, creating a circle that enclosed them all within its confines. Kaa's eyes roamed over each girl in turn, taking in every detail with a mixture of awe and excitement.

Emma was already lost in pleasure, her lips wrapped tightly around Bonnie's arch as she moaned softly. Kaa watched as she sucked eagerly on Bonnie's arch, her tongue darting out to tease the sensitive skin between each one.

But it was Evanna who truly caught Kaa's attention. The blonde beauty had taken Emma's foot into her mouth and was licking it from heel to toe with slow, deliberate strokes. Her tongue traced patterns across Emma's skin, sending shivers down both their spines.

As he watched the two girls exploring each other so intimately, Kaa felt himself growing more aroused by the second. But then his gaze fell upon Bonnie - the lovely redhead who held Evanna's foot in her hands and was dragging her tongue all over Evanna's toes with obvious delight.

Kaa, the mesmerizing snake, slithered closer to Emma who had her eyes closed as she was fully immersed in worshiping her friend's foot. As Kaa approached her Emma's eyes opened, he noticed that Emma's eyes were spiraling even faster now.

Without a sound, Kaa moved his head next to Emma and extended his forked tongue towards Bonnie's sole - just like Emma was doing moments ago. The sight of Emma and her master licking her foot made Bonnie's moan out in blissful pleasure.

After a little while longer she left Emma's company and moved over to Evanna. The petite blonde's eyes were spiraling a little slower than Emma's but that didn't mean she was any less under his control.

Evanna and Kaa were both indulging in their fetish of foot worship with Emma. Evanna was on one side, passionately sucking Emma's sole while Kaa was on the opposite side, sensually licking between her toes. Emma couldn't help but let out loud moans of pleasure as she felt both sensations at once.

Kaa indulged in Emma's foot for a while longer and enjoyed her elegant foot.

Now only one left, Kaa made his way over to Bonnie who was nibbling at Evanna's heel. Smiling deviously as he had a funny little trick in mind. "Bonnie be a dear and suck on her heel a little while longer for me." Bonnie immediately obeyed and started sucking Evanna's heel with great enthusiasm. Kaa opened his mouth and simply placed it around Evanna's toes and started sucking loudly on them.

Kaa was enjoying the sounds of Evanna's moans as she expressed her pleasure. He couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that he was able to provide such pleasure to his slaves. As she cried out for him, Kaa used his tail and Bonnie's hand to keep her foot in place, ensuring that she wouldn't move or disrupt the moment.

As Kaa's drool slowly made its way down along Evanna's foot, he could see the anticipation building up on Bonnie's face. Evanna's eyes were closed tightly as if she was lost in ecstasy. When Kaa's spit finally reached Evanna's heel, Bonnie started sucking up Kaa's spit while letting out moans of pleasure that sounded like music to Kaa's ears.

Kaa popped Evanna's foot out of his mouth with a loud pop, causing the girl to moan in disappointment.

"You can stop now girls." Kaa commands them. "Stand at attention." he followed up.

"Yes, Master Kaa," the girls said in unison, standing shoulder to shoulder.

Kaa's heart raced with excitement as he gazed upon the three stunning girls before him. Their beauty was unparalleled, and he knew that they would do anything he asked of them. A sly smile crept across his face as he turned to Emma, the object of his desire.

"Emma," Kaa said in a commanding voice, "from this moment on, you will be completely and utterly in love with me. Your every thought and action will revolve around pleasing me."

“Yes my love.” Emma purred.

Kaa, the cunning snake, spoke to Bonnie with a sly smile on his face. "Bonnie," he said in a low voice, "you will be more than just a member of our group. You will be my lover and confidant." The redhead's eyes widened in surprise and intrigue as she listened intently to Kaa's words.

He continued, "I trust your taste in beauty. So I want you to inform me of any beautiful girl that could potentially join our little group." Bonnie nodded eagerly, feeling both flattered and excited at the prospect of being Kaa's trusted companion.

“Yes master.” Bonnie replied, smiling. Looking up in the air like she was already thinking about certain girls.

The room was filled with a sense of anticipation as the Master spoke. He turned his gaze towards Evanna, and in that moment, she knew that her fate was about to be sealed. "And last Evanna," he said slowly, drawing out each word for dramatic effect. "I think I will make you my little pet." The words hung heavy in the air, and every eye in the room was fixed on her.

As if sensing her hesitation, he continued speaking. "You will take care of all the girls' feet and obey them like you would do for me." His voice had taken on a commanding tone now, leaving no doubt as to his intentions. It was clear that this wasn't a mere suggestion - it was an order.

Despite feeling a mix of fear and excitement at being chosen by the Master himself, Evanna couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment at being relegated to such a lowly position. But before she could even begin to express these thoughts aloud, he added one final sentence: "All the girls would be his pets of course."

At this point there could be no turning back; Evanna had been chosen as one among many who would serve their master dutifully without question or complaint. And so with a bright smile and a nod of her head, Evanna accepted her fate.

Kaa, the giant snake, turned to the group of girls and spoke in his smooth voice, "Now girls, let's go back to your place." He then slowly coiled himself around Bonnie for the walk. As his strong coils wrapped around her body, she couldn't help but let out a gasp followed by what sounded like an endearing moan of pleasure. The sensation of Kaa's warm scales against her skin was both terrifying and exhilarating at the same time. She felt herself being lifted off the ground as he effortlessly carried her along with him. The other girls watched in awe as they followed behind Kaa and Bonnie on their way back to their place.



The image I presume you intended to include at the "PING" moment hasn't gone through properly (although I look forward to seeing it when you get it up), and I feel like you could elaborate a bit more on Emma and Bonnie's initial foot fetish moment (establish that they're maybe not entirely thinking about why they do this and they're mainly responding to Kaa's orders rather than it being something they always did), but overall this chapter seems to work.


Weird I did the same thing again for the gif and it works now… I could add a bit more to Emma and Bonnie’s foot fetish if you think it will make it better.