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Hi everyone! I just wanted to update ya'll on how I'm using your support. Bane has been stealing Duke's Orthopedic bed lately so I decided to get him one as well. Rottweillers commonly have hip issues and since we have tile flooring I try to put as much cushion everywhere as I can. I want to prevent any health issues in the future. Bane hasn't been going on walks as much lately since he was struggling to get up and would limp/cry afterward and after xrays from the vet it turns out he has Panosteitis which is just fancy talk for Growing Pains lmao so I appreciate being able to get him this bed for him to rest on as well. Anyways this is just a long post to say I appreciate the support so much and it means a lot that I get to share my thoughts/life with you all <3 So from the bottom of my heart. THANK YOU!

Also please excuse my very loud fridge. Idk why it does that. 

P.S.S I was watching True Blood in the back lol It's a wild show for sure!



Hector is absolutely fine hes running around all over the place, I hope Bane grows out of it too like hector. Please keep us updated on how he is and if you see any improvement in him bless.

Sweet Owl

Awww I want to hug those dogs so much *-*