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*Laughs in Political Mischief* 

Lol Oh how far we've come!




Told you Cyril the dog would be fine Tommy is a softy really and yes you are right Alfie and Tommy have great mutual respect for one another. Already you can see Tommy is spiralling taking liquid opium and seeing Grace. She already told him to listen to the voices in his head, Tommy is fighting his demons and wants out the gun to his head when he shot Dangerous. Its a huge theme this and next season. The introduction of Oswald Moseley again a real historical figure a very important figure in British history that shaped a movement going into WW2. Relationships are frayed Tommy and Lizzie, Tommy and Charlie, Arthur and Linda, Ada and Colonel Ben Younger, Finn and the brothers, Michael and the company. Lots to resolve this season. Can't wait

Janet Ex

This episode with episode 2 is definitely giving us a good insight inside Tommy's head. wow. And the acting is truly 10/10