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Why polly? Whyyyyy? Well actually we know why but still.... lol

Let me know your thoughts!




Well it all happens in this episode........ Tommy always said Linda was clever and also very manipulative LOL If you listened to the Ballad of Tommy Shelby i sent you, it links very nicely to Jessie Eden's chat when she says how he beat the man as he was being cruel to the horse!!!!!! love the little snippets we get about his background just makes you love him more, (if we can love Tommy anymore!!!!) LOL Lizzie and Tommy........ Lizzie has loved Tommy from the start and always wanted more from him. I think he has a lot of respect for her, she can be trusted which is very important to Tommy and she is always there as a go to when anything is tough...... she is very dependable but always in second place in Tommy's heart i feel. Finn the baby brother.... there is such an age gap between the 3 older brothers and him, so he has been sheltered from the life, the sport!!!! because of his age.... Also he didn't go to war so he is very different from the 3 brother, he hasn't been broken or damaged and so he will never fill John's empty chair in the way Tommy wants!!! As for the ending....... could she, would she...... betray Tommy??????????? I want more reactions so badly, but i don't want you to finish it either LOL!!! By the way i commented on your You tube post last episode as someone said they didn't like you stopping and talking through the episode. I so disagree i love your raw reactions, your immediate thoughts, i find reactors who don't react throughout very boring. It's a show that just makes you want to say something, whether its about the plot the clothes the reactions the music the cinematography so you go girl....keep doing it your way its great!!!!!!!