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This episode was 1000% unexpected. I could not have predicted anything that happened and I love it!

I seriously believe this is what will enlarge any cracks that were in the family. I agree it would be hard to trust Tommy after this episode. I can't imagine the thought processes of giving your heart and soul and expecting to just go off of faith.

What are your thoughts?




I just look forward to your reactions they are the best!!!! Yep this was full of twists and turns not expected. but that is what Peaky is good at!!!!! It looks like Tommy has just betrayed his whole family but remember, he said that if they blew up the train it was his family that would be punished. The Economic league were betrayed by Tommy and so they are a huge powerful organisation with the police and local powers in their pockets. The only way Tommy could stop them from being hanged was to make a deal with the top ministers. He knew if he told any of the family they would try to resist arrest, so to keep them altogether in one place for his plan to work he had to have this family meeting. It will all be revealed next episode.

Janet Ex

Ahhh yes i had forgotten about that comment!! Ugh i just put myself in their shoes and can see how hard it would be to understand the why. Thank you so much for watching and enjoying it! I appreciate going on this journey with you (:


Oh my gosh yes if you put yourself in their shoes it would be devastating that Tommy had done this, betrayal x 1000 for sure