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This was a spicy episode and fullll of surprises. I'm starting to think Tommy may be getting entranced with Tatiana?? grieving makes you do crazy things i suppose. 

Please let me know your thoughts (: I love reading them!! Hope you had a good day!




Yep this is a very crazy episode. Tatiana is a true Femme fatale, taunting Tommy with her Prescence and expecting to get her own way by seducing him, very manipulative. Tatiana's otherness is very closely mirrored to Tommy's, their ideas of spirits and ghosts are very similar. Tatiana's Khlysty moment helps bring Grace to Tommy as he can only feel her around him not actually have her until this moment. This again is just Tatiana manipulating Tommy's venerable state at this time. On the other hand after he sobs to Tatiana about Grace he almost gives himself up to her almost like a death wish he is willing to die to have a last moment with Grace, such is his desperation and grief. Crazy!!!!!! So much is going on in each episode to analyse it is not a show you can watch half heartedly, as you would not get the plot, the character development the little nuances between the characters and their relationships. That's why i love your reactions as you just get it. Lots of troubled minds and a plan that is so complex but put together at this point with perfection from Tommy. The finale is epic!!!!!!!!