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A-Train, The Deep and Kimiko are my favorite characters! :') I'm personally loving A-Train's arc and where it's heading (people can love or hate him, but I like how he's more complex now compared to how he started in s1) and I feel like The Deep being so pitiful makes it easier for me to feel for him lmao. He's also pretty much the comic relief of the show (or at least one of, but his scenes always just make me laugh) and entertaining so he kinda just bumped his way to the top for me (the only thing I don't like is his relationship with the octopus LOL, but it makes sense for his character obviously but, even as a The Deep stan, I still can't stomach it 😂). Lastly, well, I don't think Kimiko needs an explanation on why she's my favorite bc you also like her, but the first two (along with most of the chars in this show) has people either rooting for them or hating them that I needed to explain why they're my favorites. Everyone in this show is an asshole in some way or another tho (with a few exceptions like MM or Frenchie bc while Frenchie may have done some horrible things, I don't consider him BAD) so it makes sense why you may not vibe with it as much but I do find the show entertaining and, similar to what you said, I feel like it has a realistic depiction of how our society irl would be if people actually had powers/abilities. Oh, and Vicky has been growing on me a lot that I feel like she might be in my top four favorites ... but it depends on where her arc goes this season. MM and Frenchie are also up there for me, now that I think about it. Black Noir was on my list, but I'm not really sure how to feel about this clearly different Noir? The one in the previous seasons tho, I loved. 😂


Love the boys thanks for the reaction. Also, Kimiko had a moment in the last season telling Frenchie she didn't feel right being romantic with him.