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Feb 2024 - Which project would you prefer I focus on next?

  • VR Pavlov 98
  • Human Fall Flat 143
  • Arma 3 - Prairie Fire 142
  • Halo Master Chief Collection 94
  • DayZ 55
  • Team Fortress 2 79
  • Left4Dead 59
  • 2024-02-01
  • 670 votes
{'title': 'Feb 2024 - Which project would you prefer I focus on next?', 'choices': [{'text': 'VR Pavlov', 'votes': 98}, {'text': 'Human Fall Flat', 'votes': 143}, {'text': 'Arma 3 - Prairie Fire', 'votes': 142}, {'text': 'Halo Master Chief Collection', 'votes': 94}, {'text': 'DayZ', 'votes': 55}, {'text': 'Team Fortress 2', 'votes': 79}, {'text': 'Left4Dead', 'votes': 59}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 1, 22, 17, 48, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 670}


Greetings folks. I hope you're all doing smashing.

I'm currently taking this week off to chill, whilst also penning some (potential) video-essay scripts that might take off later. All is well over here. In the meantime however, I figured I'd go through some potential bullshittery options and present some polls.

For those who are new to Patreon, traditionally I like to alternate between audience polls and then something of my choice. Divinity was my selection, therefore it's collectively your turn. Is there anything below that might interest you?

(I'll combine both the poll here and the one for the Twitch subscribers on Discord. And you can vote on multiple options below if you'd like. And I'll update the combined results periodically in the comments below. Many thanks)


1.) VR Pavlov:

Pavlov is the VR version of Counterstrike, with many of the same mechanics and maps. Both my clans mates and regulars have played it regularly some years ago, building up a large number of comedic moments..

  • The master project file has previously been created for part 1. Preproduction work would be minimal. With the exception of some scrubbing of outstanding clips.
  • VR keyframing is generally difficult. But not extremely so. It depends on how much action is going on in the frame.
  • Expect an assortment of bullshittery style gags in both the standard Counterstrike game modes and various extras, such as zombies hoards.


2.) Human Fall Flat:

Human Fall Flat is platforming-style game that's mechanically similar to Gang Beasts. Except with an emphasis on puzzle solving as a group. The various animated characters have their individual arms controllable to pull, prod, poke and shove each other.

Expect lots of backstabbing and bickering as many ZF worked hard to thwart each other.

  • No project file exists as no part one has been created. Expect some preproduction.
  • Rather than typical disconnected moments of comedy, it might be wiser to structure this around the specific puzzles. With lots of rapid-fire cuts as we sabotage each other trying to solve them. A sort of high energy Gang Beasts with lots of bickering and revelry.
  • For example, can we load and fire a catapult? Can we smash a thick piece of glass? Can we operate heavy machinery? etc


3.) Arma 3 - Prairie Fire:

Arma 3 Prairie Fire is the Vietnam expansion pack for Arma 3.  The clan actually played three distinct session of Prairie Fire. The first being the campaign missions, and the second and third being two long sessions of "Mike Force" - a mode similar to Antistasi.

It might be wise to make a distinct "Arma 3 Vietnam" bullshittery series. Consisting of all the Vietnam specific silliness we get up to.

Expect a lot of napalm and Fortune Son.

  • The master project file for Arma exists. But as said, it's likely going to be wiser to scrub through and build up a Vietnam specific series. Expect a good couple of weeks of pre-production to see what's there.
  • Bullshittery moments would be standard Arma. Friendly fire, miscommunications and banter under fire.
  • It consisted of a very large and diverse group of clan mates and regulars both.


4.) Halo Master Chief Collection:

Halo: The Master Chief Collection is the PC release of the four Halo games (at the time). Allowing combined access to all of the multiplayer competitive maps and cooperative campaign.

We played each of the Halo games in sequence. Building up a wealth of comedic highlights in a group of about 15 players. As we threw plasma grenades and took the piss out of each other.

  • Master project file has yet to be built. So there would be substantial pre-production time I'm afraid. A good couple of weeks to chop through it.
  • Notes seem very good. So I'm anticipating no major problems in locating the comedic moments.
  • Involves lots of the custom game modes, such as obstacle courses, hide and seek, etc. Along with the normal shooting maps.


5.) DayZ:

I doubt any of you need me to explain what DayZ is.

But just in case. DayZ is the standalone version of the DayZ mod that gave my channel its initial legs. An open world game with an emphasis on urban/wilderness survival with zombies.

Over the  years I've managed to build up a pool of comedic moments from various DayZ servers and sessions. Showcasing bizarre bugs, various hostile encounters, and banter between clan mates and regulars.

  • Alas, despite the number of DayZ bullshitteries, all of that work would have predated the switch over to Adobe Premiere in January 2017. Meaning I'd need to build up the project folder from scratch.
  • The notes however look pretty well kept. So finding everything shouldn't be an issue.
  • Expect assorted silliness, banter and backstabbing.


6.) Team Fortress 2:

Team Fortress 2 is a a hat-collection game which we played pretty consistently for a good couple of years. There's so much footage.

  • Part 1 has already been edited. And the project file is awaiting an update. Preproduction minimal.
  • Expect some additional editing days spent on SFM cutaway jokes. As the opportunity to do so is very tempting.



Left4Dead is a cooperative/competitive zombie shooter that various groups have played on and off for many years. Often to re-live the nostalgia of such a pair of games.

  • A bit of a curveball with one. As I don't yet know if I have enough comedic moments to make a full bullshittery. There are about 28 streams in the folder with lots of notes. So I'd need to scrub first and find out.
  • Expect plenty of bickering, friendly firing and immediately leaving my teammates behind for giggles.


One final thing to note. I'm currently typing up some drafts of potential video-essays. Aiming to keep them quite short (3-4 minutes).

There's a possibility that I might be cheeky and dive into the production of one of those, ahead of the above, IF I think I can get it done fairly quickly. And particularly if the winner of the poll is going to look lengthy.

I'm keenly aware that with the last two videos taking months, I need to give some of my flightier subscribers assurances that this isn't the status quo and that I can do shorter stuff if I feel the need. Plus the change in editing gears would do much to counter burnout.

Let me know what you fancy :)

Welcome to the bottom of this post. You are now once again visited by The Curtain Lulu of Blessing. May your week be full of belly rubs and dog food. And thank you again for your support.



Combined results as of 00:00am - 04/02/24 (to be updated) 3.) Arma 3 - Prairie Fire - 136 + 498 = **634** < WINNER 2.) Human Fail Flat - 138 + 369 = **507** 4.) Halo Master Chief Collection - 91 + 313 = **404** 1.) VR Pavlov - 96 + 249 = **345** 7.) Left 4 Dead - 58 + 274 = **332** 6.) Team Fortress 2 - 77 + 225 = **302** 5.) DayZ - 54 + 192 = **246**