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Good evening all. I've completed the latest Youtube video. At least in 720p resolution. For those interested you can find it here: https://youtu.be/mlBYO_dDARc

I plan to do a much more detailed Patreon post tomorrow. It's getting a bit late tonight. And I'd like to get this video out in front of Patrons asap.  I can go into the nitty-gritty of the process (with gifs) tomorrow:

  • Firstly, I regret that there are about 30 non-trivial issues in this render. You may find that the screen may go black for a few seconds, or randomly freeze on you. I'm looking to get those fixed asap before rendering the 1080p version that I plan to place on the channel publicly . Here's a list of the things that I've spotted and urgently need to fix.
  • Sincere apologies for presenting it to you in this state. It feels pretty bad to do so. But hopefully none of the remaining issues are deal-breakers. And it saves you having to wait another 12 hours.
  • If you spot anything weird, please don't hesitate to let me know in the comments. The more eyes spotting whoopsies the better.

Once again thank you all for being extraordinarily patient with me. And I hope you enjoy my lunatic ramblings on one of the strangest games I've ever played.

Shall go into much more detail tomorrow. Have a lovely night everyone.




1:08:18 "I'll put a timestamp up on the screen if you want to skip ahead" screen: "To skip Underwater spoilers timestamp below" Assuming there is supposed to be a youtube annotated link to further in the video, past the spoilers, that's missing. Not sure if you track these types of TODOs separately.


1:42:38 The art for Dodge is visibly lower resolution than everyone else. Also. Aha! That Lost scene is where I learned that tidbit about dynamite degrading with age. I completely forgot that until you showcased it.

Awkward Space Man

I... actually like the ending, more-or-less the way it is. Not even mad. Also, I'm sure you've already picked up on how the audio from when you're holding a camera up (such as looking at the planning wall) vs when you've obviously pre-recording is VERY noticeable (and heavily left-leaning for my ears), but I'm sure that's either deliberate (such as with the beach section, HI SOVIET'S MUM!), or part of the design (a deliberate choice to show you didn't just blindly pre-record 'something' and voice-over). Just something I noticed :-)


1:40:28 Close Encounters came out in 77 not 97


1:08:13 No timestamp. Also the John wick and the Valley-videogame don't have spoiler warnings. Maybe combine the three media into one warning and direct viewers to the conclusion at 1:18:09 ? That way you won't spoil anything of value. 2:27:35 "cut to credits" Is that an editors remark to yourself or to us? 2:41:17 The sequel is out now so is this remark up-to-date? peeves: 1:22:58 I take it the Lulucam stays? 1:29:08 I recall the question "Why are there human effigies in a children's book?!" Maybe toss that at the developer's heads somewhere lmao. Blocker: 1:21:52 "RANT!" emotes missing here.