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Just a very quick update:

  • Using the previously described pre-rendering method, I've been able to successfully repair all 24 of the segments of the project.
  • On the following day I was able to successfully render the entire video, albeit at one quarter resolution. But that's still an important success. As it tells me there's nothing in the timeline that's causing a critical stoppage.
  • I've also swept through the entire video on a full quality assurance sweep. Generating roughly 100 issues to correct.
  • About 60-70 of those are very trivial. Such as text misalignment or audio balancing. I don't think there's more than a week of effort there.
  • I'll continue to polish whilst increasing the quality settings on overnight renders to try and reach 1080p. I'm hoping by next weekend to be reviewing the final (or near final) version. Earmarking the need to fix the mistakes I've missed that you'll inevitably spot :)

Have a great weekend all.




Great news! =) You deserve a break after this one. Or taking on an easier project.. xD