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*whew* Finally done with that segment. Here is the re-done 01 - Intro section for the soapbox critique of the DayZ franchise.

As always, please don't share it yet. It needs all the other parts. 

Any and all feedback is very welcome. It helps me know what works and what doesn't :)

I've basically reworked the intro and added a whole extra ending babbling about early access. I wanted to clarify my stance on it sooner rather than later in the video (this segmented used to be in chapter 9 of 10).

One of the big things I'm struggling with is audio consistency. Individual sentences are often being recorded several days apart. I think this is going to be a recurring problem tbh. 

What I'll do is (when all parts are done) go through carefully with the Sony Vegas equalisation tool and level out all audio spikes in one big sitting.

Next week, I'll start making the next fresh chapter: Internal and external PVE threats. Basically an analysis of why zombies (or demons, or bears, or whatever) are super important for shaping how your audience behaves in a survival sandbox game. And should never behave reactively to the player but should force the player to react to them. 

To do :)


(No title)



I quite enjoyed this Intro. I can imagine that it will be a good video when everything is at the same niveau.


Wow. That was not what I was expecting, to be honest. Colour me very pleasantly surprised. I thought you were just going to tweak some things, not the whole video. Great job Womble! Also, personal note, that bit about the irony where you use a Chinny-esque shout from across the room had me pissing myself. I love that kind of gag. Thanks for your continued hard work, you bastard!


Sweet, now we get to hear the inquisitive side of womble and not just the bullshittery side. Too bad the other members can't add their input to these as an added backing and whatnot.


I'm delighted to see the Soapbox is still being worked on. After becoming a Patreon and finding the orginal cuts of these videos I searched all the rest out and found that out of all things you make this was the type of video I most wanted to see. One of the more important parts that jumps out for me is that while your talking about your favorite game (Standalone vs Mod) it still has the emphasis of EA, what that entails and what it can turn out to be. Of equal or possibly more importance is that DayZ EA is not not singled out, references to other popular EA games in both the success and failure categories gives an objective take on EA in general. I'll echo what a couple of others have said, the WoW comparison goes on a bit to much and given the message your sending might not even be relevant. Mod to Standalone compared with WoW is a bit like comparing Michelangelo to a painter trying to break into the same catigory of artist, extreme example yes but it does feel like taking the best as a marker and holding your soapbox up to that. Please keep these up, you hit on another part that struck me in the video and that was other peoples thoughts on games. I enjoy your funny Youtube work and from time to time your Twitch stuff but this is a combination of both aspects I enjoy, the funny and serious.


Thanks for the feedback. You're not the only one to comment on the WoW part. In my notes it says that the WoW part is to "mention again the fact that DayZ isn't about finding loot". Meaning I think this section served it's purpose better when it was back in chapter 9 and I'd already made the points about looting being a surface element. On it's own here, it's not so effective.


*butthurt intensifies* But in all seriousness, this is great to see. Although, I kinda expected you to tear standalone a new one. I remember you were talking about it in another bullshittery, and to be honest, the developers of DayZ have lost almost all of their credibility.


I think you missed the point about WoW. He wasn't comparing the games so much as saying the success of both WoW and the DayZ Mod came from being able to 'create your own story'.


I really liked the Intro since it's pretty smooth all the way, but I have a weird headache about you're reviewing a game from the core to the animation which is the ideal thing to do, saddly I see yourself explaining marketing to the audience and from your past experience which is redundant. But since this is early and everything can change is up to you to make a 30 mins about yourself and others games and after that it start the review. well that's it! ps. lower the mic!


My immediate reaction was that this made me think of the YouTuber 'I Hate Everything', which is definitely not a negative comparison! Insightful, analytical and logical whilst also being amusing, witty, puerile and cutting when necessary. If you do something similar for gaming that he does for movies and things he's interested in, obviously with your specific personality and traits there then you could be onto something really interesting; perhaps a YouTube career of some kind. Diversifying your content beyond the things that made you well known is definitely a good idea, and in no way stops you from doing the bullshitteries. I wholeheartedly support you in this endeavour.


Great video. Any critiques have been covered from other users here, but honestly all I can say is, overall it flows well and keeps my interest. Visually it's on point and you never cease to amaze me with how well you work every scene for comedic timing or to simply enhance the points you are making. Looking forward to more.


If you're not satisfied with the consistency of the audio quality, wouldn't it be better to record most of it over again rather than going through it all and editing it hoping it sounds better? I have no experience making videos but that seems less time consuming to me.


@Soviet, I would agree with your notes. The video bar the WoW part comes off to me as a build up of what's to come, the base for the soapbox videos with a little background on games, EA and your own experiences. In a more specific video regarding loot as you say or even about the aspects of games that offer more then what's on the box it would fit in nicely. Keep up the good work and look forward to more. @K1Kingy, I understood the segment and the message it was conveying but for me it didn't fit in, it wasn't until Soviets reply that I really knew for myself why the comparison didn't fit. So before that it came off as holding a mod to a full game release.


Oh yes indeed. I do that yes. But even still there will be inconsistency. As a voice naturally waxes and wanes. What I did in that last video was basically sit there and revoice almost all of it :)


Also thank you very much for your recent pledge. That's very generous of you Ptera :)


Keep up the good work Soviet. Your our favourite Womble 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


I think this is a great intro, the connection to other games (yeah i'm talking about wow, what about it?) makes it seem more accessible. It makes me want to show it to my friends that have never played dayz because it shows that this conversation is about more than just this one game.