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Good evening folks. I hope you've had a lovely weekend.

I'm very pleased to see that the Holdfast Bullshittery is well received. It was always going to be hit or miss, as it's a little bit niche. But I'm very glad to see that people seem to want more highlights. I shall absolutely provide.

Since that bullshittery I've been swimming through the hard-drives and text files. Doing a bit of data-management. It's all very unsexy. But it needs to be done or it all becomes a confusing mess of "wait, where did I save those streams?"

Before I delve right into the the next bullshittery I wonder if you'll permit me to work on some video-essay stuff for a bit?

I was hoping to take a stab at getting the first three pieces of the DayZ Critique public on the channel? Doing so would be a good way to gauge interest for the rest. And counter the burnout that naturally comes from editing the same thing all the time.

If you'll permit me, I'd have three goals to do on three videos:

  • 01 - Introduction & Early Access - Just polish up a couple of fixes. Not much.
  • 02 - History of Arma and DayZ - Re-voice as my narration was a bit pants, to be honest. I mumbled in places. Already recorded last night, just needs to be cut. No change in visuals.
  • 03 - Evolution of the DayZ mod - Audio already done, just need to do the visuals for about 40 minutes of video. Should be fun.

Please let me know what you think in the comments. For those not familiar at all, I recommend you have a look at the post I made just prior to the pandemic, which explains all about the DayZ thing, and contains a links to a bunch of draft renders you might find interesting.

Have a lovely upcoming week everybody!



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