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Good morning folks. I hope you're having a nice start to the weekend. Over on this front it's the end of the third week on Random Antistasi Bullshittery (part 5) and here's how things are progressing.

I'm far through the keyframing and animation now, having reached about 9 minutes and 47 seconds on the timeline. For those not familiar, the 4th and final week would usually be the quality-assurance for a typical 10 minute compilation. Meaning that I'm very much on track.

Alas, this video is much chunkier than the others. Coming in somewhere around the 20 minute mark. So it's going to take me longer, I'm afraid.

There is however a natural break point at 13 minutes, in which the finale sequence begins. I'm definitely going to stop and quality assure everything prior. Presenting the 1st "half" to anybody here who wishes to view it. With the follow up finale continuing afterwards, to complete the piece. I'll leave it up to you whether you'd like to watch it, or wait for the full thing.

So in terms of the edit, I'm afraid there's not a huge amount of news, being part 5 in an already well-trodden master file. I'm continuing the process of exporting clips to After Effects and creating consistent and clear keyframing. With the understanding that anything not included gets left behind. This is very likely the last Antistasi bullshittery.

The only big thing to note is that the framerate is proving frustrating. Since these are the clips from the late game, there's often a lot going on in each area. Causing dips in performance that need to be compensated for. There's this strange phenomenon where if you don't keyframe in the pauses, the smoother text appears unnatural. The human eye is very good at spotting when something isn't quite synced up. Meaning you really need to 'keyframe in the jank' to make it seem diegetic - taking place in the scene. The alternative looks much worse.

I shall do my best to work around it. But being live-stream highlights, it's very much a case of having to work with what I have. There's no way I can re-record it like most other Youtubers can.

So for now, the plan is to reach that QA marker at the midpoint of next week. Then dive straight into quality assurance for a few days, present what I've made, and then continue for the finish line.

Hope you all have a splendid weekend :)



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