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Good evening everyone. I hope you're having a lovely week. The latest bullshittery is finished and can be viewed here if you're interested.

Random Arma 3 Antistasi Bullshittery - part 3/5 - https://youtu.be/jLXs2GFGKiU 

Apologies for the delay in getting this to you. I was hoping to have it finished at the end of last week. But it's been one of those weeks where every day I thought I'd have it done. Only to find each render presented a batch of new issues to be fixed.

Truly a case of fix one error, make three more.

But I think I've caught all the mistakes. Feel free to comment if you spot any. As there's plenty of time to knock out a quick cheeky render with corrections before it goes public on the weekend. And if you have any feedback I'd be happy to hear it.

So in this episode our groups start butting-heads with the American armed-forces. Who prove to be thoroughly more capable and aggressive than the Russians. Often dispatching multiple attack helicopters as part of even the most basic quick-response forces.

It also sees us confront the fact that the Americans use auto-cannons and thermal optics in the majority of their fighting vehicles. Allowing them to mow us down at long distance.

This episode also sees the appearance of a mysterious businessman in a pink shirt, who'll crop up again later. And further demonstrations (if any more are needed) that ZF are bastards when it comes to the press. And as we'll later discover, Nevil doesn't like it when people owe him money (even if it's in-game money).

I hope you like the episode and I shall start the next one soon. Special thanks to BewBewDingo for providing the artwork of Cyanide's hot girlfriend "Gorty". I think she really captured her good side. And she's been quick to make it her new social media profile pic. 



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