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Good evening everyone. So it's currently the start of the third week (I think?) on this particular part of Random Arma Bullshittery (part 10). And thus far things are going swimmingly.

I found myself a bit bored of streaming at the end of last week. Meaning I spent lots of extra time on editing and just belted through it. It's now about 9 minutes and 20 seconds edited out of 10 minutes and 30 seconds. It was originally 12 minutes long, but I ended up cutting some parts away in the name of quality assurance. I would like to import some extra scenes from the pile though. 12 minutes just feels like a sensible duration - not too long and not too short.

In terms of time estimates, I should have those 12 minutes done before the end of the week. And be entering quality assurance. Video will likely be done after the weekend.

In other news, most of the responses back concerning the Dungeons & Dragons have been very positive. And over the last couple of weeks I've been coordinating with two artists I'm commissioning to help provide assets for the animation.

One is providing 'background plates' and the other is doing characters and their poses. Since the backgrounds are static and far simpler, the first artist has made good progress and has already sent over a few. And I've imported a couple to test them.

So for example the original pre-vis turn from this:

To this:

Though that's not the final form. Trying my best not to be distracted too much, since I need to finish Arma first. But I'm looking forward to trying my hand at the cartoon again.

Hope you're all having a lovely week.



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