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Good evening and happy Friday folks. Welcome to your weekend. It's the end of the 4th week of work on the latest Youtube project. Therefore it's tools down time in order to present what I've done so far.

For the unfamiliar, between the various bullshittery episodes on Youtube, I've been trying to diversify the content by editing a series of video-essays (with a few different planned topics), starting with something you often find me babbling about on stream. A topic that's close to my heart - DayZ. And more specifically the odd phenomenon that is the DayZ Standalone. And how I've found myself frustrated with the lack of proper analysis videos on Youtube. With my peers focuses on really superficial things, like bugs or development time.

And this has resulted in about 10 prior video-essays on related talking points, some of which you can find here. Though...I apologise for the first 5 currently being unavailable. They've got some structural problems that I need to go back and correct.

Buuuuut, for this month I told myself that I would only be stealing away four weeks of work on that side project, before returning to the next bullshittery. Therefore those four weeks are over and it's time to present what I've prepared so far.

Therefore here it is: https://youtu.be/w1Zjas1P3E0  

So this is the result of the following:

  • Weeks 1 & 2 were spent recording the full episode audio and then cutting it together. Resulting in a video that's a terrifying 50 minutes long. 
  • Weeks 3 & 4 were spent editing the visual elements and performing quality assurance. Resulting in the 12 minutes being being ready.

You might notice a few audio errors. Alas I would spend more time polishing, but I need to present what I have. I can always come back next time. I'm a bit disappointed I couldn't get it to the 20 minute mark as the next sequence is really good. In which I start talking about the nature of user-stories and Agile in general to help explain why functionality comes first and polish later. But it'll need to wait.

For the moment I hope you approve. If you have any feedback on any of it, feel free to leave it here or in the comments and I'll absolutely read it all. Feedback is great actually, as it lets me determine whether my points are muddled or not.

Will do a follow up post soon about the next bullshittery planned. But thanks for your generous support and I hope you have a lovely weekend.



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