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Good evening folks. So it's the middle of the 4th week of work on Random Pavlov Bullshittery part 1 (roughly work day number 18) and everything is going as expected. Thus far I've reached the 5 minute and 50 second mark out of the ten minute edit. And I'm working to get the second half complete as soon as I can.

At my current rate, by the end of this week I should be on the 7th to 8th minute. And by the end of the next week I should have entered the quality assurance/polishing stage to get it ready for launch. Though that following weekend (November 17th -18th) might be a bit optimistic, I'll make it the target all the same.

If anything I can only apologies for the lengthy pre-production phase, which took about 10 days instead of the usual 2-3. Thus in effect, the first two weeks were simply scrubbing through to find the clips I'd need, rather than just being able to take those clips and immediately start arranging them on a timeline. Compare and contrast the prior PUBG bullshittery, in which I was well into the quality assurance phase by week 4. Due to having all the clips cut and ready to go from the beginning, because of prior episodes.

This is something I fear is going to be the case for the Divinity and Rocket League bullshitteries also, unfortunately :S

Insofar as lessons being learnt so far, I'm finding that some elements of this edit can be a tad frustrating.

Pavlov's frame rate is inconsistent (probably due to my hardware), meaning that I sometimes have to choose between: a.) having the text keyframes precisely, but accepting that it'll be choppy. b.) keyframe smoothly, but have it quite obviously not attached to the character/object in question. And the human eye is very good at spotting that. But generally I think I've been able to find a good balance.

And also I'm finding that Pavlov's colourful nameplates above the characters can make it harder to read some of the subtitles sometimes. That's just a qwirk of my particular editing technique that I'm having to work around. I might see if I can use Adobe After Effects to dial down those colours.

So the work continues. I shall let you know if there are any problems. Hope you're all well.



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