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It's week five on Random Arma Bullshittery (part 9). And this week I've had a very specific goal - getting the framing devices right.

So insofar as the main edit is concerned, most scenes have had most editing done. With an approximate run-time of 18 minutes in total (it's creeping up...arghh). But the trouble is I don't know where some of them are going to fit in relation to the song lyrics in the second framing device, which I shall explain.

On Monday and Tuesday I've made 50% of what we'll call framing device a. Part of which you can see in the .gif above. It features two news reports, one at the start of the video and one at the very end, consisting of short news clips taken from a fictional news station, explaining the Russian occupation of the island of Altis and the subsequent aftermath of the events featured in the bullshittery. I figured this would be much more interesting intro/outro than simply be explaining "it's a mod where we play as the Resistance". And also it follows the good ol' cinematic rule of "show don't tell". So this effort is about 50% complete, as I'm still to determine which parts I should film for the outro. And in the mean time ZF SocialSystem has been kind enough to go ahead and take a crack at it in his spare time.

I'm also planning to ask another Youtuber, a former BBC correspondent, if he's interested in voicing it for added authenticity. But he doesn't know me at all so I'm not sure if he'll go for it. I'll let you know.

And then on Wednesday and Thursday I've been having a go at framing device b. This is sort of jingle for "The Badgers", the codename of our guerrilla organisation. Which starts off with a happy and optimistic narrator and then becomes amusingly accusatory as time passes. And the extent of our comedic war crimes becomes harder to justify in the context of the narrative. On this score I've asked Twitter artist BewBewDingo to create three emblems to be animated during the jingle. And in typical BewBewDingo fashion, she delivered:

So hopefully it ends up being funny and interesting. I'm going to spend tomorrow finishing that, before handing it over to someone more musically minded. Hopefully ZF Bavon. He's expressed interest in hearing the pitch. And is far more talented creating music than I.

But sorry that this edit is taking so long. Lots of moving parts with this one! And thank you very much all those helping me with commissions and advice. Lots of collaborative stuff on this one. Providing expertise that's proving invaluable.



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