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Another quick update. I've managed to polish up another pair of chapters for final release. Bringing the total up to 4 of 9.

That second one might not be that final though. Since you've not seen it before, so there may well be small mistakes. If you spot any let me know. Be happy to fix them.

Tightening work continues. I need to re-voice some chapters to shave off some muddled points and make them more concise.

In the mean time I'll leave you with this - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IV3w3p7jnKE 




Marvellous! Keep up the great work 😁


The more I watch these, the more it sounds like the developers have shifted the focus of the game. From a rough, hardcore survival-against-all-odds multiplayer world (the mod), to a rosey-eyed "survive-if-you-want-but-don't-feel-pressured" sandbox (as a sandbox has fewer possibilities than a world), with a multiplayer component that sounds kinda like an afterthought (the stand-alone). It sounds like they are 2 similar games with a different approach to how the setting is supposed to be. The mod gives a vibe of being a place where I should never stop looking over my shoulder and then gets shot from the sides, and the standalone gives me the vibe of being a place where I have endless opportunities to build my own little place in a vast and vibrant world, with lots of interesting people to meet (other players). All based on that ambient music. It seems like, if they want it to be what I describe, they absolutely need to add that sidechat, and if not, then they should absolutely add that ominous background music. I haven't played neither of the versions myself, so these are the ideas that have formed from watching your videos, and I hope it gives you an idea of what a n00b like myself hears when watching them.


And the 8th video was good enough for me to upgrade my pledge to 10x what I usually give you. Good job! Keep fapping I mean going!

Cody Gerard

I'd heard the story of how you met Cy before, but that was the best I've ever heard you tell it. A lesson I've been learning this year is that sometimes it's the small things you do that make the most difference in your life, stuff like desperately typing in the side chat in a game. One small action which can be traced to the start of a series of life changing events. It's always cool to see how those things happen to other people, especially almost 5 years later now knowing where it all led. It also made me understand why the chat was such a huge omission from the standalone so much better because it made it clear that it facilitated those things, and I know first had how important those things can be.


I am quite entertained by this series. <a href="https://youtu.be/n25ztZJ9Uxw" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/n25ztZJ9Uxw</a>


Hey dude, I'm not sure what it is about part 8 (might just be because it doesn't have the polish of the others) but the dialogue sounds really stilted in the introduction to that part. It sounds a lot better past the "then... what?" point.


Not the frogs!


You starting shit with Alex Jones Womble? Trust me man, don't, or he'll send you to that colony of children on Mars.