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Just wrapping up the editing for the week. 

Since Tuesday afternoon I've been in the cutting stage for Random We Were Here Bullshittery. Which is a coop puzzle game made by Dutch students, that Cyanide and I played earlier this year. 

It reminds me quite a bit of Portal 2 or Crystal Maze, where one partner has to guide the other through a series of puzzles using only radio contact. Naturally, it quickly devolved into silliness and backstabbing.

I've managed to take the 3 hours and 9 minutes of raw footage. And cut it down into about 34 minutes of useful clips. Though there's lots more tightening to do from there, this was mainly about removing the boring bits to find only the comedy. The whole "chip away everything that doesn't look like an elephant".

Furthermore I was able to identify 9 distinct scenes, either split into the various puzzles we encountered, or just with the same running jokes. Scenes with the same comedic tones.

So as editing continues, the following considerations were discovered:

  • This one won't be very strenuous in terms of frame-by-frame animating, since we're communicating over the radio. Therefore the text should appear from a predictable position. Probably above the radio icon. It doesn't need to follow a specific characters head.
  • I'm somewhat dissatisfied by the lack of radio static in the game. Cyanides voice comes through perfectly, as though he were in teamspeak. I was thinking of adding radio static in-post to make it clearer that the person is on the other end of a walkie-talky and to just make it more interesting to listen to. 
  • Since we streamed this twice (a few months apart) we ended up doing the same puzzles with minor differences. But with the two of us alternating the in-game roles. Rather than show everything twice, I'm going to be clever with the cutting to make it look like one adventure. It'll work. You'll see :)
  • The walky-talkies do something a bit annoying. There's a red light that blinks when speaking. Which complicates my visual cutting by making it much more obvious where the cuts are (just like how background music skips unexpectedly. It shows my hand). What I might try to do is replace the icon entirely with a photoshopped one. And then replace the colour of the light with green when I'm speaking. And yellow for Cyanide. Further helping as a visual aid to tell who's speaking as well as disguise my cuts.

So next week I'll continue said tightening whilst starting to add the text and animations. I predict that this'll be about 15-20 minutes long. So longer than most bullshitteries, but less technically complicated. But hopefully still very funny.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend and thank you for your continued support. I'll get some preview footage out as soon as I can :)


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