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Good afternoon everybody. It's been a week of quality assurance since the last update. And I think I've been able to iron out the errors in the latest bullshittery. I have a link for those interested? Let me know what you think of it and as always, thank you sincerely for your extreme patience and kind support :)

Random Arma Bullshittery - Prairie Fire -  https://youtu.be/cRtQVSNpc0w 

For me however I feel as though the job isn't quite done. For what is a Vietnam video without a suitable musical prologue? Especially given the cool factor of many of the 60's pop songs.

For this reason, during my initial scrubbing of the footage some weeks ago, I was keen to tag (with a white arrow) anything that had potential for a montage cut to music.  Wistful shots out of the sides of helicopters, napalm exploding, artillery striking, etc. Things that show the flavour of the Prairie Fire expansion before the bullshittery begins (the gifs in this update show some of them).

So what I'm going to do now is make a stab at a montage. Cut to the song "Somebody to Love" by Jefferson Airplane's. Released in 1967 when American involvement in Vietnam was approaching its peak. And one year before the famous Tet Offensive, at which point it all started to come apart.

I'll start by making a "bucket" of clips to sprinkle onto the timeline. Attempting to identify a cutting rhythm using simple shape objects. No text will be involved here, so everything should be entirely doable in Premiere. Which is a relief. Should be much easier a job without After Effects involved. Give me a week ish?

I must admit though I'm weirdly struggling with the video's title. For though the expansion of Arma 3 is "Prairie Fire", and the mod we played is  "Mike Force", they are - in my opinion - absolutely terrible names to communicate to the Youtube audience what this video is about on a glance. Perhaps simple "Arma 3 Vietnam" would be more appropriate.

Let me know what you think about the video and thanks again all :)



Geier's Eier

Damn near lost it several times, nice work.


This is a fine arma bullshitery. It reminds me of the first bullshiteries of arma, silly, chaotic gameplay and "great teamwork", just comical.


Going back and watching it, and knowing it’s not gonna happen, a full length MV using Mike Force clips for Somebody To Love would be fuckin awesome