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 Applebloom's vision and hearing slowly returned to her in my Equestria dreamscape. The first thing was able to see was blue sky. Above her. It took her a second to realize that the cannon had completely torn the roof off the warehouse she'd created in Stone Mane's dream fabric. 

  She also realized she was still holding part of the firing lanyard in her mouth. Letting go of it she looked down one side of barrel she saw the full effect of Stone Mane's determination. Not only was the roof of the warehouse gone but three of the walls had vanished along with all the warehouses in front of the cannon's muzzle. In their place there was a great trench of smoking debris.  

  Stone Mane was standing motionless at the front of the gun carriage. The ocean breeze gently tussled his mane. Silently he looked at the destruction his mind had wrought in this dream. 

  The dragon was no where to be seen. 

  Applebloom strolled over and stood alongside him. For several second neither spoke. Finally the filly spoke up. 

  “Stone Mane, how are ya feeling? Ya okay?”

  “I did it.” He said softly. “I did it. I destroyed him. He'll never hurt me again. Mom. Dad. I, I did it. I did it for you. I, I, I...” 

  The colt broke down and began crying. Although this time they tears were of relief, mingled amongst sadness and loss. Applebloom leaned up against him and rubbed her muzzle against his neck. She let her armor flow away. The fighting was over. They had won. 

  “Yer parent would be proud of ya Stone Mane. Ya showed some real courage tonight. It ain't easy ta face monsters in our minds. Ya dun good!” 

  The colt looked over at Applebloom and his eyes went wide. “Your a filly!” He exclaimed! 

  “Nice of ya ta notice!” Muttered Applebloom. “What. Ya didn't know?”

  Stone Mane looked at Applebloom as if he'd never seen her before.

  “I've never had a dream with a filly. This is weird.” He then exclaimed. “And you're a blank flank just like me.”

  “Yes, yes. I am. I bet we're about the same age. Um, Stone Mane?”

  The colt was now staring intently at Applebloom's flank. “Weird, just weird.” He muttered. “I never figured I'd have a filly come and rescue me in my dreams. Especially a blank flank like you.” 

  As if to emphasis his point Stone Mane poked Applebloom butt with a front hoof.  

  “Weird.” was all he said. Applebloom suddenly was feeling very flush in the face. Suddenly she was rather uncomfortable about this colt prodding her there!  

  “Can we all talk about something other than my butt!” Exclaimed the filly. 

  Stone Mane looked back at Applebloom's face. After a couple seconds his face turned beet red and he quickly turned around. 

  “Oh yes! Yes! We can talk about something else. What should we talk about?”

  The two foals sat down besides each other, for about a minute or so neither said a word. Applebloom stared out at the destroyed waterfront, while Stone Mane examined his hoofs with great intensity. Finally the colt spoke up.  

  “Applebloom is a nice name you know. Well, um I think it is.” 

  “Thanks. My mom and dad apparently liked it.” 

  “So, you've lost your parents to?” 

  Applebloom nodded her head. “It was several years ago, but yeah they're no longer with us.” 

  The colt stared at the butter cream filly. “Applebloom you're not a product of my imagination are you? You're not like that dragon. You're a real pony who has somehow gotten into my dreams?” 

  “Yes. Yes I am. I was sent to help you with this problem. I'm a studying ta do this, but my teacher has been unable ta help ya. I came here tonight ta do what I could. I've recently been plagued by nightmares myself so I know what it's like.”

  The colt tilted his head to one side. “Teacher, who would that be? Who teaches ponies to travel through other ponies dreams?”

  Applebloom closed her eyes. Time ta roll the dice. “My teacher is Princess Luna. Her and Princess Celestia have been very worried about ya and..” 

  “YOU WORK FOR NIGHTMARE MOON!” Exclaimed Stone Mane as he quickly backpedaled until he pressed against the gun carriage. Sheer terror filled his eyes. 

  “No ya dumb lunk! I work fer Princess Luna! Not Nightmare Moon! If I worked fer some mare named Nightmare Moon why would I come and help ya defeat a nightmare?” 

  Applebloom closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Look Stone Mane, Princess Luna wants ta help ya very much, and she can do a much better job I can. But ya got trust her and let her help ya. Just like I helped ya.” 

  The colt swallowed. “She, she really wants to help? Really?”
  “Yes, yes she does.” Applebloom suddenly raised her voice. “Isn't that so Princess!” 

  Slowly from back of the cannon Luna stepped into view. Silently she nodded her head and started walking toward the two foals. Stone Mane quickly rose to his hoofs as if to bolt. Applebloom rose herself and hugged the colt around the neck. His nutmeg brown body was trembling and his heart was racing. Applebloom spoke softly to him. 

  “Stone Mane ya trusted me once before. Trust me again on this. Don't bolt, don't runaway. Listen ta what she has ta say. Please.”

  Luna came to a halt about six feet away. Slowly she laid down on her belly. Stone Mane probably didn't notice it, but Applebloom saw terrible sorrow in Princess's jade green eyes. Finally the Defenders of Dream spoke.” 

  “Stone Mane I am very happy to see that my pupil has been able help you tonight. Please believe me when I say that both I and my sister wish to do everything we can to help you.”

  Applebloom felt a sudden change overcome the young colt; he was still trembling but now it was not fear. It was anger.”   

“If you really cared about us ponies why did you let the war happen?” He said softly. “If you really cared why did you let the dragons attack? If, if you really cared why did my mom and dad have to go to that damn accursed mountain?” His voice slowly rose. “You and your sister were able to do deal with the dragon all by yourselves. Why, why did they have to die?! What did my parents do to deserve to die like that?! Why, why, WHY?!”

  Stone Mane tore out of Applebloom's grasp and got right in Luna's face. “MY MOM AND DAD DIED BECAUSE OF YOU!” Roared the colt. “They served Equestria! They served you! And all they got was death! You want to help me? Then bring back my parents! Bring them back now!” 

  With his tirade over the colt began cry uncontrollably again. Slowly he collapsed to the ground and bawled his heart out. Applebloom started to speak up when she caught Luna's stare. Tears were trickling down the princess's cheeks. The mare shook her head and the filly stayed silent. Slowly Luna extended a wing and pulled the colt to her side. For several minutes no pony said a word; then in a soft voice Luna spoke. 

  “Stone Mane. I know you want your parents back, and if my sister and I could we would return them to you. However that is not possible. We may control the sun and moon, but we hold no power over death. No pony does. My sister and I may be able to defeat mighty foes, but can't be everywhere at all times. That evening my sister and I believed we were confronting the main attack. It was only when it was almost too late that we realized it was nothing more than feint to draw us aways from Fort Shield. Where, where your mother and father were.”

  Luna closed her eyes as the tears now flowed freely down her face. “Your mother and father should not have both been assigned to the same location. That was a mistake. A simple, stupid, deadly mistake that should've never happened! Celestia and I know that no apology, speech, letter, or compensation can make up for that mistake. But that is all we can offer you. Our sincerest apology and promise to see to your needs until you are a stallion.” 

  The Princess of the Night gently lifted Stone Mane's chin and looked him in eyes. “And I want to help you with your nightmares. If you'll let me Stone Mane. You'll probably face many more and I want to do what I can to help. Can I help you?”     

       The colt stared at Luna. Anger still danced in his eyes. Finally he spoke. “I will let you help me, but I haven't forgiven you. Not yet. Not today. Maybe someday, but not today. I'm still too angry with you to forget what's happened, but I am willing to let you help me for now.” 

  Luna closed her eyes. “That understandable and fair, and I will strive to earn your forgiveness Stone Mane. Thank you for the giving me the opportunity.”

  “However, I have one demand.” Said the colt.

  Luna raised an eyebrow. “And that would be?”

  “ I want Applebloom to help me as well.” The colt blushed. “Assuming she wants to?”

  The little filly's face turned a shade of pink. “Um, yeah sure! If Princess Luna says I can. I'm just getting the hang of this dream travel stuff.”

  Luna smiled. “Yes I think we can arrange for Applebloom to make journeys to see you in the future, but for now I think my student and I should take leave of your sleep Stone Mane. We will talk later.”

 To be continued.   




Ouch. That tugged at the heart. Heavy is the crown of princess.


But at the same time it is a chance for her to continue the process of healing and reaching out to her subjects. However it will not be a easy road to travel.


I believe Apple Bloom has acquired a fan.


Wow - talk about tugging at the heart. UI think both Stonemane and Luna have started a much needed healing.


Luna instructing of Applebloom will be a source of growth and healing her to.