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 Celestia materialized in a supply room of the Royal Palace in my Equestria dreamscape. Of course most ponies can not directly teleport onto the palace grounds unless they know the correct spell sequence or possessed an authenticator talisman. Celestia is not most ponies.   

  Smiling she strolled over to the door. Carefully she opened the door a bit and peered out into the hallway. Assured that the service hallway was empty she stepped out into it and closed the door behind her. Then she began ambling down the hallway; she'd gotten to first intersection when sudden pulse of magic announced the arrival of her younger sister.  

  “AH HA! FINALLY FIEND I'VE CAUGHT YOU! NOW IT IS TIME FOR YOUR WELL DESERVED PUNISHMENT!” Luna's Royal Canterlot Voice caused the windows to rattle and the curtains to sway. Celestia stopped in her tracks; then she slowly looked back at her sister who was hovering off the ground. 

  “Fiend? Lulu what are you talking about?” Celestia gave the Prussian blue alicorn a look of feigned innocence. “Have you been drinking too much coffee again?”  

  With a great drama Luna pointed gleaming steel shod front hoof at her sister. “Don't act ignorant dear sister! You know all too well the mayhem and turmoil you've sown throughout the palace today! You are all too aware of the chaos that has engulfed the fair halls of this most august establishment as a result of you despicable actions!” 

  Celestia turned around, cocked her head and smiled at her sister. “So let me guess they woke you?” 

  “YES!” Roared the Princess of the Moon. “Yes! They woke me! I was having a most pleasant dream when quite abruptly I was awoken by a gaggle of babbling young courtiers! Most of your ministers and senior courtiers seem to have decided that they had other matters to attend to and made themselves either unavailable or left the palace for the day! Even worse I believe that our own Royal Guard acted to aid you in your scheme, for their search of the palace grounds can only be described as being uninspiring!” 

  The Princess of the Sun smiled. “But Luna dear it's Sunday, which is my day off. I have fulfilled my duties of raising the sun and will now set it so you may take over. Was there any natural disaster, international incident, magical crisis that required the presence of either myself or you?”

  “No.” Said Celestia's younger sister in a slightly quieter voice. “Outside of your absence things have been routine.” 

  “So there has been no crisis that has required my attention, or yours, all day. Just as it should be.” Smiled the white alicorn. “I assume you found the note I left on the throne?”

  Luna looked confused. “Note?” 

  Celestia grinned at her. “Yes the note I left on cushion of my throne. You did have the throne room searched? You did find it and read it? Yes?”

  “You left a note on your throne?” The Defender of Dreams seemed to be realizing the blind spot  in her search pattern and instructions. “A note. You just left it there? On your throne?”

“Yes, I left a note there saying was leaving palace grounds to spend a day in the country. It is late spring and countryside is quite refreshing and helps calm the mind. Of course you would've read my note if you had the staff check it. You did have them check the throne room?”

  “Errr.” Luna now had an blank look on her face. 

  “Because upon reading it you could've dismissed them and gone back to sleep.” Celestia cocked an eyebrow as she said this. 


  Celestia grinned. “So with that settled I must head down to the kitchen! I am a bit peckish, and the staff usually make Crème Brulee on Sunday's! Care to join me?” 

  “Well...” The younger Co-Ruler of Equestria had a rather embarrassed look on her face. 

  “Oh! Would you look at the time!” The Princess of the Sun was now staring at a wall clock. “It's time to lower the sun. Which of course means it's time for your shift to begin. Oh well! You should be heading off the throne room. It's bad form to arrive after the start of your court!”

  “Wait. What? You mean I spent all day, when I should've been sleeping, on a wild goose chase and now I must oversee the Night Court while you indulge on Creme Brulees in the kitchen?” 

  “Yes and coffee. You must have coffee with Creme Brulee, and cognac is good to with. I think I'll have both tonight! I'll see if a staff member can send one up to you during the evening.”

  With that Celestia began walking away leaving her sister hovering dumbfounded in midair. She'd almost turned the corner when Luna spoke up. 

  “Sister. Did you not say that you'd spent the day out in the countryside enjoying the fresh spring air?”

  Celestia looked back. “Yes, yes I did.” 

  Luna smirked and pointed a front hoof at her neck. “Then why does my beloved sister have a damp dish cloth around her neck?” 

  Celestia's eyes went wide and she looked at the treacherous cloth dangling around her neck. 

  “Gotcha!” Said Luna 

 To be continued. 




Celestial is stone wet cold busted. Luna learned a lesson!! Celestial will probably pin the note on her sister's tail next timeXD Makes one wonder does Celestial think about a different life? A more "normal" life. The crown can be heavy.

Violet Wilk (BlueCherryWolf)

I'm half betting that the note was a ruse to get Luna on the defensive. Going and considering how Celestia reacted at the end. I'm going to enjoy seeing how she talks her way out of that one.


Ak! Done in by a dish clothe!


She was in the country, Brick's house is in the country


Celestia's "story" is all washed up due to the dishcloth? :P But she DID go to the countryside. And might Luna turn up at the cottage for a snack sometime?