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Dash and I arrived a the Black Barrel a few minutes ahead of schedule in my Equestria dreamscape; however our table was all ready so we were escorted to a window seat where we could look out and see hoof traffic pass by on Ponyville's main street. I had considered getting a more secluded table in the back of the restaurant but decided against it. Petina had said we needed to be open about our new relationship, and the two of us sitting at a window seat for all to see was as public of a display as I could think of.

    The maitre d' led us to our table and after the normal courtesies left us and went to assist the next arriving party. Soon after the wait staff brought a bread basket and filled our water glasses.

    The next few minutes were spent with our noses in the menu deciding what we wanted to order. Like many pony restaurants it was expected that their would be sharing of entrees so we ordered as a group.

    We start with a Bagna-cauda style hot dip. Butter, olive oil, garlic, minced herbs, and mashed anchovies were heated together then brought to our table along with more bread and an assortment of cut vegetables. Included were these interesting curved forks that one easily slipped over a front hoof and then proceeded to impale various pieces of bread or vegetable and then dunked in the warm sauce. A small candle helped keep the sauce warm.

    Next was a asparagus salad. Skinny stalks were quickly boiled in salted water in plunged into ice water to chill them. Then they were tossed tangy lemon vinaigrette and garnished with fresh cracked black pepper and a pinch of coarse sea salt.

    The main course was boiled ravioli stuffed minced wild mushrooms, minced garlic, sage, wild rice and ground hazelnuts. Then they were covered with a nice layer of gouda-style cheese and run under the broiler until the cheese was nicely browned and bubbly.

    For dessert we split a dish called a Caramel Surprise which was this bread pudding which was smothered in fresh caramel and liberally sprinkled with chopped nuts and raisins.

    Since Dash and I are not wine drinkers by choice, we split a small pitcher of red ale for our drink and then finished off dessert with coffee.

    At first our conversations were a bit stiff and awkward as the realization that we were really on a date together sank in, but as the meal progressed we started to relax and we settled into a more natural patter.

    We talked about the Daring Do novel series and the other competitors at the Best Young Fliers Competition and flying in general. Dash gave me a very lengthy explanation about acrobatics using two of our Bagna-cauda forks with croutons impaled on them to demonstrate how two ponies can hold formation while performing a loop together.

    We laughed, chatted and overall had a great time together. The restaurant was not packed but there was a good crowd for a Saturday night. A couple times I noticed other ponies looking our way and obviously talking about us, but at least they were discreet for the most part.

    Dash talked about her dreams of becoming a Wonderbolt and I talked what we had planned for rebuilding our cottage. Dash was there when the Lord of Shadows fell so she was aware that my background is complicated, but still she had some questions about my past and to the best of my abilities I tried to answer them without breaking the oath of secrecy I had sworn to Princess Celestia and the Crown.

    She asked me if I missed not being able draw like I use to when I was a unicorn. I admitted that I missed it sometimes but I found flying to be an adequate substitute.

    “Besides being able to fly means I get to spend time with you.” That earned me a small blush from the prismatic maned mare.

    “And besides Petina has decided to revive her plans for a cloud sculpting and sign writing business so I will be probably doing lot more artistic work in the future.”

    “And don't forget Brick I plan on increasing your acrobatic training so you'll be getting plenty of chances to be artistic while flying!” Grinned the mare.

    I returned the grin. “So you plan to see what moves I've got?”

    “Yeah. See what your limits are.”

    I took a sip of my coffee. “Will this all be solo practice, or will there be formation practice?”

    “Oh, will there be formation practice.” Smiled the mare as she rested her chin on her hoofs.

     I raised an eyebrow. “Will it be close formation practice?”

    “Oh there will be close formation practice. Lots of close formation practice.” RD gave me an almost Petina-like grin, and the suddenly realized what she'd said. She blushed furiously and then crumpled her napkin and threw it at me. She crossed her front legs and looked away. I started to laugh.

    “You're horrible!” She said with a grumpy voice.

    I lost it then and for the next minute or so couldn't say a word or defend myself from various small objects that were thrown at me by RD. Sugar cubes, additional napkins, her napkin ring, and dessert menu all ended up in my lap. Finally gasping for breath I was able to reply.

    “Sorry! Sorry! But admit it Dash you flew into that one! Woo! That was amazing!”

    Dash still looked grumpy but now it was more of an act that she was trying to keep up. Finally cracks starts showing in her facade and eventually she joined me in another round of laughter.

    Finally we both settled down. A quick look around the restaurant confirmed that several ponies were looking at us with a myriad of expressions ranging from smiles to looks of disapproval. I looked over at RD.

    “Perhaps my lady it is time we should depart and leave our fellow diners so they may enjoy their meals in peace. Would you not agree?”

    “Yes, yes, that would probably be for the best!” Said Dash in her best Rarity impression. “Let us go forth and see what the night has in store for us!” Then she broke down in another fit of cackling.

    A few minutes later I was squaring up the bill with the maitre d'. With that task completed, Dash and I stepped out into evening. Ponyville doesn't have a huge nightlife scene but one could see individual ponies and groups milling around or heading to some destination. After staring at the nighttime street I looked at RD.

    “So, what do you want to do now?”

To be continued.



Eric Hinkle

Dash is looking very fine; and my but how you love describing the food.


No close-up of the fork? (And your asides to food remind me of Brian Jacques in his Redwall stories.)


And now I'm hungry again. *sigh* 'Close formation flying' *chuckle* Oh Dash.


0.o o.0 Is that trump hair?