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While Celestia and her staff grappled with their problem, the rest of my work week was a blur in my Equestria dreamscape. So included with my usual work and household responsibilities I was dealing with being at the center of the hottest gossip story to hit Ponyville in a couple years. On top of that Petina had decided that this was a great time to start reviving her idea for the cloud writing/sculpting business.

    Along with the general, constant stream of questions that confronted me from the general population; I had to deal with the questions from the other Mane Six.

    Fluttershy was supportive of her long time Cloudsdale friend. If she had any misgivings she kept them hidden.

    Rarity was exuberant and insisted. INSISTED! That she simply had to provide RD with an outfit that guaranteed that the night would be magical!

    Pinkie Pie want to throw us a party! As in that moment. Fortunately both Dash and I were able to defer any celebration until after the big date.   

    Applejack thought the whole thing was just too unorthodox for her taste, and the only reason she was accepting of it at all was because RD was going out with me. Not Petina.

    Twilight eventually calmed down enough to stop foaming at the mouth, but I am positive that Celestia's inbox was being bombarded daily with a constant string of letters, updates, reports, and conspiracy theories.

    The next trick was deciding where we'd have dinner. Ponyville has several places one can dine, but many were either too casual in Petina's eye or were to stuffy like the Gilded Lilly for a first date. So eventually we settled on the Black Barrel as the best setting and reservations were made for 7pm.

    Fortunately, work kept both Dash, myself and every other weather pony so busy for the next few days that there was very chance to gossip, scheme, or plot against RD and I. Most of my coworkers were okay with the whole thing, but I still was occasionally dark, silent looks from a couple of the stallions. Oh well.

    Unfortunately being so busy meant that I had almost no time to speak to Dash; even when I was flying as her wingpony. I had just too much work on my plate, and before I knew it I was punching out at the end of my Friday shift. RD had to attend a meeting with the Mayor and local grange that evening so I couldn't even invite her over for dinner that night. We just agreed to meet at the spa around 6pm tomorrow night.

    Saturday morning Petina left soon after the breakfast dishes had been washed. She was rendezvous with Rarity at Carousel Boutique and then the two mares were heading over to spa to supervise RD's makeover for the big event that evening.

    Carousel had been tasked with getting me in tip-top shape for the date so for the rest of the afternoon I was bathed, trimmed, preened, massaged, and groomed within an inch of my life. Carousel utterly ruthless and methodical in preparations.

    Finally around 5:15pm Carousel and I headed out for the spa. Carousel came along for two reasons. First she wanted to see what Petina and Rarity had done with RD, and second by coming along she assured I wouldn't fly to spa and possibly ruin all her grooming and hard work! So instead we strolled along the road in the late afternoon light. It was a pleasant day which helped put me at ease. However as we got closer to town I noticed that many a pony would stop what they were doing to watch me pass by. Apparently this event was very much common knowledge.

    Finally we arrived at the Ponyville spa. Carousel insisted that I wait outside while she went to check that Dash was ready. So stood outside and tried to not get my hoofs scuffed. All the while being very aware of the fact that ponies were commenting about me as I waited.

    After what seemed like eternity Carousel came back out and said I could come in. Rainbow Dash was standing in the lobby waiting for me with Petina by her side. I'd seen RD dressed up several occasions and I'd watched her practice in dance outfit dozens of times, but this evening seeing her in that short, snug, little black dress really stopped me in my tracks. I guess it was the sudden realization of what this night held for the two of us. I slowly walked up to her.

    Dash blushed a little. “So Brick. You like? I think Petina, Rarity, Aloe, and Lotus went a bit overboard but they insisted on all this! Um, uh you like it right?”

    I leaned forward and gentled nuzzled her neck and then whispered in her ear.

    “Right now you are the living embodiment of awesomeness RD.” I felt her shiver ever so slightly. Then I looked her in the eye.

    “Shall we go? We have a table waiting and the whole night in front of us.”

    The Element of Loyalty nodded her head and her usual fire returned to her eyes. “You bet Brick! I'm hungry let's go!”

    She looked back at Petina, Carousel, and Rarity who had finally come out to see all off. “Thanks everypony for helping make this night happen.”

    Carousel just smiled happily. Rarity looked like she would need a handkerchief if we stayed much longer, and Petina just had a very satisfied look on her face.

    “You two have yourself a night to remember, and Carousel and I will see you tomorrow. Now get a going you two!”

    Petina horn glowed and spa door opened; Dash and I looked back one last time and then we left the spa.

To be continued.




Be on your guard Brick.....dark things are a hoof.


Ok. This is going WAY too well. Something is sure to happen.


Somehow I have a feeling that it will indeed become 'a night to remember'. Like RD beating up some foul mouthed pony in a bar brawl, looking absolutely stunning while doing so. Things could go smoothly though. What? It could totally happen!