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Rakorno sat on the cot in his cell in my Equestria dreamscape. It was approaching evening and some of the day detail was starting to go off shift when he suddenly heard a familiar voice down the hall.

    “Good evening Watch Officer! I know it's late but I was hoping if I could see Rakorno? I'll be traveling tomorrow to Manehatten for a seminar and wanted to speak with him.”

    “Sure Kessandra! Come with me. He's been a bit more communicative with us and we want to encourage that.”

    The male griffin quickly laid down as if sleep. Then pretended to be jolted out of sleep as the cell door was unlocked and the female griffin stepped in. She waited until the cell was locked again before advancing toward him. She was carrying a smaller version of the regular picnic basket. She set the basket on floor and smiled at him.

    “Hello Rakorno. I know we usually do lunch but I will be traveling out of town tomorrow and I have been packing all day for the trip. So I thought instead maybe you'd join me in a early evening snack and drink. Also as a fellow griffin I thought maybe you'd appreciate a preening and I want to check the condition of your broken wing.”

    The male griffin smiled. “You're not making an advance at me are you? I hardly think your parents would approve of my current standing!”

    The female griffin laughed. “No, no! Nothing like that. I just noticed last time that you are not taking good enough care of your feathers. So let me see what I can do for you!”

    Once again Kessandra rolled out the brightly colored trade blanket on the cell floor and then asked the male griffin to lie down on it. After some good-natured pestering the male griffin obliged.

     With him finally on the blanket the female griffin started worked on his right wing first. Kessandra was cute but Rakorno had to admit she wasn't the most skilled preener. Still he wasn't going to complain. She was gently working feathers at base of the right wing when she leaned forward and whispered in his ear.

    “I know you've been feeling like your employer has abandoned you, but you are not alone. And your employer still has need for your skills. It has just taken a few days to implement a plan.”

    Rakorno started to rise suddenly but Kessandra pushed him down.

    “Will you sit still!” She said loudly. “You squirm more than a young chick!”

    She then continued whispering in his ear. “Look we're going to have just one chance to make this work. Are you on board or not? If we're going to get you out of here it is going to have to be tonight! That is the window we have to work with!”

    The male griffin whispered back. “Yeah but how am I suppose to get out of this cell, and even if I do succeed breaking out I'm not going anywhere with a broken wing! They'll capture me almost immediately!”

    “Kessandra purred in his ear. Because I have brought a very potent healing potion that will get you up in flying in about 5 hours. And I have a copy of the cell door key that I am going to leave here with you. I also have a key to a safe house that we need you to head to once your out of here. Also I have a third key to open an exterior window in the prison.”

    “What about the guards? And even if I some how get past them it will take me 2 days of steady flying until I reach a nation that will accept me. And the moment they know I've escape the word will go out and the patrols will be looking for me!”

    “There is going to be an opening in the guard rotation tonight at exactly 11pm. It will last only two minutes in that time you will need to leave your cell. Exit the dungeon and get to that secured window. If you make it out undetected the night patrol will not pass by your cell for another twenty minutes. By that time you will reached the safe house. Also tonight is a new moon so that will aid your escape.

    “Then tomorrow evening you will escorted by couple cooperative agents to an airship that is headed toward coastal territories. It is being chartered by the White Bill Nation to bring back a trade delegation. As a sign of goodwill Celestia is letting the delegation fly its nation colors on the ship. That temporarily makes the airship sovereign territory of the nation. It will not be stopped or searched by patrols unless Equestria wishes a diplomatic row. Your employer has guaranteed you safe passage on that airship. You will not get better chance than this to get out. Understood?”

    “Why is my employer going to such trouble to get me out?” Asked Rakorno. “I figure I was expendable the moment I was captured. Why am I so important?”

    “One, you actually used the wards in a real world situation, and your employer wants a report from a field operative. Two, you are griffin of much potential and it would be bother to find a replacement for you, and your employer doesn't wish to go through the trouble. Third, your employer has another job for you waiting!”

    The male griffin chuckled softly. “I don't even know who my real employer is? I just worked through my regular contact in Fillydelphia. This just seems to good to be true.”

    Then a thought dawned in Rakorno's mind. “And what if I decide to suddenly spill the beans and let the Princesses know everything? What if I told them that you came here tonight and offered to help me escape? What then?”

    Kessandra never stopped gently massaging his left shoulder. “Well first off it would be your word against mine, and I've spent years cultivating my relationship with Celestia. Who's she going to believe? Me or a griffin who broke into her palace?”

    “As far as your employer goes, you'd go very quickly from being a very valuable asset to a very serious liability. I don't think they'd want you around at that point.

Things would be arranged to correct that.”

    “What if I agree to escape but don't return to my employer then what? Asked the male griffin. “Or perhaps I take you hostage and then demand they search your bags so they...”

    Before Rakorno could finish the sentence he found himself pinned to the floor of his cell. Kessandra leaned forward and hissed in his ear.

    “If you escape and don't follow the plan I guarantee that your employer will make you wish you'd never been born! Try anything with me and you die at my talons and I'll claim you attempted to take me hostage in foolish attempt to escape. And once again it will be my word versus your cold corpse. I'm sorry if you've grown fond of this cage, but tonight the chick is leaving the nest! Any more questions?”

    Rakorno shook his head.

    “Good!” Purred Kessandra as she climbed off him. “Now lets have a drink and snack before I leave!” She removed a small decanter a couple cups and some dried, jerky-style meat. As she was doing this one of the watch guards passed the cell.

    “Is he behaving himself Kessandra?” Asked the guard.

    “Oh Rakorno is being quite cooperative tonight. Sergeant we're going to be having small drink and some snacks. Care to join us?”

    The sergeant shook his head. “Sorry m'am can't drink alcohol while on shift.” He looked at the dried meat. “And I'm not fond of meat.”

    The female griffin smiled at the pony. “Understood, but I thought I'd extend the offer!”

    The guard wandered off as she poured herself and Rakorno each a glass. She smiled and formally offered the prisoner a cup. Then she poured herself a glass to.

    “Now of course I won't benefit from the potion since I am not injured, and to belay your suspicions.” She took a long sip of the potion/drink.

    “It is not poisoned. Which would've been stupid of me to do since I'd be a prime suspect, but now you know so drink up!”

    Rakorno reluctantly took sip of the potion. It didn't taste horrible but it still left a bitter taste in his mouth.

    “Now of course when one is consuming nectal wine it is tradition to enjoy it with smoked, dried meat!” Said the female griffin.

    She grab a large, white, paper towel and set several piece of smoked meat on it and passed it to Rakorno. The male griffin could tell immediately that there was something else beside meat due to its weight. Glancing down he saw a small ring of keys. Without even thinking he palmed the keys and casually placed them under his cot. Also the male griffin could see a simple map showing the directions to the escape window and the address and location of the safe house.

    “I hope everything is good! I hope you enjoy it! It is not a common thing to get in Equestria!” Said the female griffin.

    “It is good.” Said the male griffin.

    They made small talk for the next 15 minutes then Kessandra started packing things up. This included taking the paper towel from the male griffin. With everything stowed she smiled at him.

    “I hope you enjoy the rest of your evening! Now I must be going!”

    She then turned and started banging on the bars informing the guards she needed to be let out.

To be continued.




The plot thickens! I was sure they would just kill him. Now I am confused.


Ok, what happened to the real Kessandra? I worry too much. I should just wait and watch.


Oh they still could but not in the jail. This is better. The escape will be blamed on the griffins. Kass will be blamed stirring up anti griffin sentiments. Someone wants ponies and griffins at odds even War. The question is what is really the objective of this. To start a war or something more sinister?


I got a feeling the real Kass is going to get the blame for helping him escape if it happens. Her reputation and respect would be destroyed. I just hope that the magic used on her leaves a trace. We shall see


Might the "safe house" be Kessandra's place?