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That evening Cloudsdale was definitely abuzz in my Equestria dreamscape. Rainbow Dash's performance at the Best Young Fliers Competition seemed to be on every ponies lips. Depending who you asked either they had witnessed the most amazing performance ever, or the death of Equestria as it was known. It had been a very polarizing exhibition.

    I was not surprised that none of the other Mane Six decided to join Petina, Carousel and I for dinner and drinks at Lenticular Lounge. Because RD had kept her training secret and the nature of her performance it had caught them broadside and unprepared. Still it was my hope that this would not create too much long-term friction back in Ponyville.

    However there was one of the Mane Six that I really needed to talk to and that was Rainbow Dash. One I wanted to congratulate her on winning the Princess Cup. Two I wanted to make certain she wasn't being harassed by other ponies. Three and possibly the most important I wanted to see if I could sit down with her and talk things over in private. Things were apparently starting to evolve very quickly between her and I.

    There had been some talk about having a victory dinner at the Lounge, but nothing had ever been formalized with Dash and her parents. However when we arrived they were not there. So we ordered drinks and food and settled in for an evening of our own celebration. Petina's little bet had insured us a level of financial security for the foreseeable future. 30,000 bits was the equivalent of many, many years worth of wages from both Carousel's courier service and my weather work combined. So with our combined wages plus the remaining year of Royal stipend our household was financially very stable.

    But money was not the thing on my mind as I sat our table and drank my lager. My mind was drifting back to Dash's performance. I'd seen her practice that routine dozens of times but today she'd nailed it, combined with her outfit, the venue, the music, and the crowd it'd been an event that would stay in ponies minds for quite some time. Including mine.

    I was it chewing over in my mind when there was a sudden roar of applause from the front of the lounge. Strolling in through the door was Dash with her parents. She looked around the lounge and spying us she headed toward our table, stopping frequently to wave at ponies and receive their congratulations. The lounge was the kind of venue that was receptive to RD's performance today. As the Element of Loyalty arrived at our table we got up and cheered. Dash smiled and gave us all a hug one at a time. At some point since the end of the performance RD had acquired a black, bolero-style leather jacket that looked really good on her. She was also wearing modest boots of similar black leather on her hind legs.

    “Brick! Petina! Carousel! Did you catch all of my performance? I did it! I nailed everyone of moves today! Sun and Moon I couldn't hear the music by the end of the performance because of the crowd but I stuck to the routine!”

    Trade Winds smiled. “That's why you practice the routine till you can do it in your sleep. I could've told you that.”

    RD grinned. “Hey guys guess what I learned today. Before my parents got married my mom was a cabaret dancer in Las Pegasus! She'd never told me this until today! Can you believe that?”

    Squall Line nodded his head. “Yep we met there. She was working at the same casino I was working at as a card dealer. You can say she caught my eye, and the rest was history.”

    We made room for them in booth and another order for drinks and food was placed. Trade Winds leaned over and gave my two roommates a conspiratorial grin.

    “Ladies, my daughter's performance was like nothing I've seen performed and I'm kind of sad that nopony thought to let her mom know what her daughter was going to do today. I would've like to have been there to support her during her training. The amount of effort she put into this act is amazing!”

    Carousel was the first to speak. “I'm sorry m'am. We didn't mean to be disrespectfully but Petina and I decided that secrecy would be a powerful ally in achieving the maximum impact on the audience. The more ponies who knew of what she was going to do the greater the chance that a leak would occur. That is why we limited knowledge to her performance to the members of our household and one of Rainbow Dash's friends who created her outfit for today's performance.”

    Rainbow Dash finished taking a drink. “That was my friend Rarity who you met earlier this evening. She designed and sewed that outfit for me. Couldn't have done it without her.”

    I smiled at RD. “So Dash have you had a chance to talk to the girls since the performance?” I was worried about potential fallout amongst her friends.

    “Well as expected Twilight is totally having an aneurysm and is probably writing a letter to Princess Celesita as we speak. Rarity of course loved the performance. AJ looked dumbfounded, and Pinkie was practically bouncing of the walls. Fluttershy said nothing but was blushing the whole time. I wonder what the Royal Sister thought of it?”

    It was then that we were able to tell our story of revised seating for the event and of what had transpired in the Royal Box. We finished our tale and Dash whistled.

    “Whoa! I didn't mean to put Celestia on the spot like that. Uh, hope she's not mad at me now.”

    Petina finished her martini and smiled. “Nah. I don't think any long-term harm has come from today. She was more miffed by the judges being unable to come to a decision then having them turn around dump it in her lap to solve! But I had a suspicion that this would happen.”

    RD finished chewing on her jalapeno popper and then looked at Petina. “So you didn't think I would win Best Young Flier again?” There was a tiny edge to Dash's voice.

    Petina shook her head. “Possibility of you winning always existed. If there was no chance of success I wouldn't have agreed to help you. However I knew who the judges were, and your performance was unlike anything they'd seen. It was very unorthodox. Heck even the Wonderbolts were caught off guard by your act Dash. I doubt Soarin's brain has started functioning correctly yet. They couldn't come to a consensus but a very large and vocal part of the audience rightly demanded you win some kind of award for your efforts today. So they turned to Celestia who awarded you the Princess Cup!”

    The white mare took a sip from a new martini and continued. “However by awarding you the Princess Cup Celestia did something more important for you Rainbow. You are the first pony to ever win the Best Young Flier tile and the Princess Cup back to back! In all the centuries that this competition has been held you are the first in books with that one, and that is post you'll probably hold for quite some time dear!”

    Through all of this I really wanted to ask the question that was burning a hole in my mind, but unfortunately every time I thought I might get a chance to take RD aside to talk some fan would come over to congratulate her, or some member of the press would come up hoping to ask some questions about today's performance.

    Finally after many beers and cocktails I needed to use the bathroom. So I excused myself and headed off in search of the facilities. I was about to step into the stallions room when voice behind me called my name.

    “May a have a word with you Sky Brush?”

    I turned and found myself staring at Trade Winds.

To be continued.




Daaaa Daaaaa Daaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!


Oh that she does. Now when he dad prepares to get you sent to Greenland weather duty.....daaadaaaa daaaaaaa!


UH OH!!!


Now she knows how to wear a leather jacket! Very nice


Daddy is not happy!


OOPS!! This fox made a big mistake. And messing with a person's mother can be far worse!


Cabaret dancer? Beautiful little detail - she must have been near ecstatic after the initial wtf-moment. Now to the really interesting part... *snrk*