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After a few minutes of instructions by Big Mac Link the colt was shown the small plot garden that needed plowing in my Equestria dreamscape.

     Fortunately for Stone Mane the Steedabaker Gardener Helper was designed with the amateur in mind. So in not time he was up to speed. Even if that wasn't a very speedy. Very quickly the colt understood why Applebloom's big brother was, so big.

     In quicker than usual fashion Applebloom finished her morning chores so she could come over and give words of encouragement to the colt. Also she wanted to provide what Petina had often referred to as managerial supervision and oversight. Applebloom didn't really understand exactlywhat that meant, but it some how seemed appropriate in this case.

     Soon after Applebloom started supervising the colt Sweetie Belle at Sweet Apple Acres. She'd shown up to see if Stone Mane had arrived and to say hi. However very quickly it seemed to Applebloom that Sweetie might want to provide her own  managerial supervision and oversight, and that was intruding into AB's department. So Applebloom clarified a few things with her. Also AB remembered another phrase that she'd heard Petina say and she reminded Sweetie that Stone Mane was not on the market.

To be continued.




Oh my….just a little testy there AB.😁


I think somepony is twitterpated. ❤️


Ah, Petina, corrupting, I mean educating the youth one eavesdropped phrase at a time.


Petina isn't corrupting. She's just offering a wider and more diverse range of concepts and vocabulary.


Yeah, and since this is her first time she's both infatuated, unsure, a bit insecure, and just teeny bit overly defensive.

Leo G.

He's gonna need a massage after that kinda workout... I wonder who's gonna provide it?


Wasn't there an old quote along these lines? "Ladies! Ladies! There's no need to fight. You're both underage."


NB: Is that sime kind of 'aiming' device in front of Stonemane, to keep the plow lines straight?


Oh dear Petina you certainly are a master wordsmith for sure. :) And don't worry Sweetie Belle I'm sure Applebloom will settle in a moment. This is her colt after all so she's bound to be a bit sensitive about any assistant supervisors.


Yes. It's a visual aid that can use to line with a landmark or preset marker to help you. Especially at first.


Yeah it's a first time for her so she's a bit territorial and protective, and yes Petina is master of euphemisms.

Sky Shatter

I'm reminded of some old "ecchi" anthro comic in which Rarity is getting increasingly "frustrated" with Big Mac laboring just outside her window, she breaks and storms outside, and even though you think it's going one way, she just gives him a shirt and goes back inside to work, saying, "much better."