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Stone Mane leaned to his left and peered out of the open window of his cabin in my Equestria dreamscape. The conductor had passed through 15 minutes ago informing the occupants of the Pullman-style rail car that the 728's next stop was Ponyville.

     The colt's squinted as clouds steam and smoke from the locomotive billowed back along the train. The rail cars squeaked and groaned as the train rolled along. The rhythmic chugging and hissing of the locomotive, and the sharp clickity clack of the rails combined to create a symphony of noise that drowned out the quiet sounds of the countryside.

     Soon the nutmeg brown colt started recognizing certain landmarks as they approached the outskirts of Ponyville. For such a small farming community Applebloom's home town had a fascinating collection of unorthodox architecture. Then as the train came around the bend and Stone Mane spied the Ponyville Train Station. With a great cacophony steam whistles, screeching brakes, and a billowing cloud of steam that engulfed the platform the train came to a stop.

     Donning his panniers and picking up his valise with his teeth the colt joined the dozen or so ponies that were disembarking. Gingerly the colt stepped off the train and onto the platform. The combination of deep shadows of the awning and the continuing clouds of steam from the locomotive obscured the immediate vicinity. Mingled in amongst the steam was the dark shapes of ponies.

     The colt was still getting his bearings when he heard above the general commotion of the platform the sound of galloping hooves. Burst out off cloud of steam came Applebloom barreling down on him. Suddenly another voice that Stone Mane recognized yelled out.

     "Applebloom! What did I tell ya! No running on the darn platform!" Upon hearing this command the filly slid to a halt on her haunches in front of the colt with a big, goofy smile on her face. Then she sat their nervously twitching while her tail started thumping vigorously on platform boards.

     Wandering up at much more leisurely pace was Applejack and AB's big brother, Big Macintosh. AJ shook her head but there was smile on her face as she looked at her little sister.

     "Oh land sakes Little Bloom!" Said the Element of Honesty. "I didn't say ya couldn't greet him! Just no running on the platform! Go ahead and say hi!"

     "Hi Stone Mane! I'm so happy ta see ya!" The filly yelled as she continued sit on her haunches with her tail thumping away. "How was yer trip?!"

     The colt set the valise on the platform smiled at the filly. "Hi Applebloom! Yep I had a great trip!" He looked over at AJ and Big Mac. "And I really want to thank you all for letting me stay with you this summer." He glanced back at AJ's little sister. "And I'm really, really happy to see you."

     The buttercream yellow filly started shifting back and forth on her hooves all the while her tail continued thumping away. AJ rolled her eyes and groaned. "Applebloom! Ya ain't Winona. Go ahead  and give yer colt hug!"

     Stone Mane had a split second before he was suddenly wrapped up in bone-crushing hug as the filly leaped up and hugged him. The colt's nostrils were filled with the scent of the filly. It was an aroma of fresh hay, clover, snickerdoodles, and pony. He froze for a moment then returned the hug in a more gentle fashion. For several seconds he held her then he whispered in her ear.

     "I've missed you."

     AJ gave them about 10 seconds then coughed and spoke up. "Well now....let's git yer trunks and then we can load dem on the cart and head back ta the farm. Alright sugar cube?"

     Stone Mane looked at AJ and smiled. "Yes Applejack! I can't wait to see it again!"

     After a couple more seconds Applebloom detached herself and grinned. "Yeah lets git ya back ta are place!"

To be continued.




I was so totally ready to make another dog joke. Glad AJ beat me to it!


It is a behavior that AB exhibits for almost exclusively Stone Mane and topics related to him.

Ayumi Silverfox

*laughs* It's hard not to be able to view this in the same lens as AJ; both adorable and with a bit of humor. I have to give Stone Mane credit for being as reserved since it's been quite obvious he's been looking forward to meeting Apple Bloom for awhile. But judging by the expressions just looks like Apple Bloom got there first :) Very nice Baron!


These two are so darn cute together. Apple Bloom’s tail-wagging is weapons-grade adorable. ❤️