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"My fellow ponies! Behold the beauty of the night! Gaze upon the wonder of the moon, and the splendor of the starry sky!"

    A patron reward for ColdSilverD. It continues his series of drawing portraying the alicorns in all their glory. Hurry up and take your shot  The Hammock 

    This Saturday 9/4/21 starting at 5:30pm Pacific I'll be streaming on Picarto.




She is gorgeous! Thank you!

Cera Treascair

*Glory*, how I adore this~ ColdSilverD has AMAZING taste <3

Wireball MacCarter

When I read the first few lines of the description in my phone notification I thought it was going to be her faceplanting or something. To say I was surprised would be an understatement :)


Cue up Van Morrison….Moondance….”Well it’s a marvelous night for a moondance..”


What can I really say except… W H E W…!


Looks like a beautiful night.


Glad you like it. It came out very nicely. It was interesting getting the muzzle on angle to look correct but I wanted to try something different with the piece.


Behold! The boobies of the night!

Ayumi Silverfox

Woah..... This really reminds me of a cover of Heavy Metal magazine way, way back. Certainly way prefer this one over that for many different reasons. Very nice idea ColdSilverD and excellent execution Baron :)