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Normally if I haven't drawn a particular character before I'll start on a finished piece I'll do a series study drawings first. This is Lt. Drake Rhein from the Empires: Ace of Spades universe. The drawings are for an upcoming commission I'm doing for MarcusStarkiller. 




Man, "Empires"! That's a real blast from the past, Baron. Been years since I've seen that comic.

Ayumi Silverfox

I'm glad you provided the link Baron because was going to say this looked familiar but could'nt place it. Dang, talk about a blast from the past and I really enjoyed the feature in Yerf back in the day. Really hope they do republish all the past stories again I'd love to be able to re-read them since my copies of Yerf have long since left my possession. Very nice to see this universe again!


A blast indeed! I think I have a copy of the printed version of Empires in the stack some where. Wish it was continued. 'Axe