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I did not sleep well that night in my Equestria dreamscape. The events of

last evening

along with my past experiences of the last couple months involving Rainbow Dash left my mind spinning as I laid in bed with Petina and Carousel. Finally sometime after midnight I finally dozed off.

      Still I succeeded in getting myself to the Cloudsdale Municipal Stadium before sunrise. Located on the outskirts of town the stadium dominated one's vision. Its great size and surprisingly stark lines stood out against the early morning sky.

      Already there was a sizable crowd of ponies gathered as competitors and their friends and families watched the official start of the Best Young Fliers Competition. I had a moment of panic fearing I would be unable to locate Rainbow Dash in the crowd when I heard voice call out.

      “Brick! Over here!” I quick scan found RD doing a series of small loops above her parents. Joining them was Fluttershy and a few of RD's coworkers from the REWS.

      “Hey RD!” I called out as I flew over. “Ready to make history today?” The prismatic mare patted a large pair of panniers she was wearing and smiled.

      “Yep I've studied this routine till I can do it in my sleep, and my secret weapon is packed in these bag here!”

      What Dash was referring to was the outfit that Rarity had designed for today's performance. Except for its creator, myself, Petina and Carousel no other pony knew of it. I looked over at Fluttershy who was staring around at the ponies gathered with that concerned look that she often got when in a large, noisy crowd.

      “Morning Fluttershy! Good to see you. So do you think RD here is going to win back to back competitions?” The mare turned my way and smiled.

      “Oh yes! Um, yes I do. If pony can do it it'll be Rainbow Dash. Um, oh! I do hope the rest of the gals get here okay. Cloudsdale can be so disorienting at times.”

      Fluttershy had just finished that statement when a flourish of trumpets sounded out announcing the beginning of the swearing of oaths ceremony. RD waved a hoof and I followed her as contestants and their witnesses began forming a group near one of the entrances. Friends and family members began forming a second group behind them. Officials from the competition organized and herded the two groups and when everyone was in the right group another round of trumpets sounded and we began to enter the stadium.

      It was dim inside the stadium but through the ingenious use of structural clouds and light tunnels it wasn't too dark inside. We were led down a corridor until we arrived at the intersection of several corridors. The center of attention was weathered, crumbling, ancient column of structural cloud. It went from the floor to the ceiling but appeared to be doing little in the way structural support. Columns of much more modern construction flanked either side of this piece of pegasi history. This was Hurricane's Column.

      Standing on either side of it were the members of the Wonderbolts. Standing in front of it was the meanest looking pegasus stallion I had ever seen. His black hide was covered with numerous scars which rippled when moved. He was missing part of right ear and had a massive scar on the right side of his face that ran the entire length. He looked like he ate lightning bolts for breakfast and enjoyed it. Slowly the crowd assembled in front of him. When it appeared that everyone was assembled he spoke in surprisingly quiet voice that still grabbed everyponies attention.

      “Good morning I am Lt. Gale Storm of the 72nd Squadron. I want to thank everypony for coming today to witness the beginning of another Best Young Fliers Competition. Gathered here today are young fliers from all over Equestria who have traveled here to see if they are best in the kingdom. Fliers, today you will be participating in competition that is centuries old. Today you will just not be competing in a contest. You'll be creating history that future generations of fliers will look back upon for inspiration and hope. Just as many of you have. Today you fly not just for yourselves but for Equestria and what it represents. Do you understand?”

      A chorus of young fliers sounded out. “Yes we do!” Gale Storm smiled and continued his speech.

      “For some of you this will be your first time competing in the Best Young Fliers Competition.” He paused and looked at Rainbow Dash. “For others this will be your last chance to participate; after today you will not be viewed as foals or just young fliers but as full members of Equestrian society. Today one door will close behind you but another will open in front of you. Relish this day for it will never come again.”

      Gale Storm continued is speech. “Today you will performing for not only the judges, the Wonderbolts, and audience. You'll also be performing for the Royal Sisters. For the first time ever both have graced us with their presence today!”

      He paused for moment. “But you are also participating for one who is no longer with us.” Gale Storm turned and faced the column behind him. “This column once resided in front of Commander Hurricane's villa. Standing atop it he would watch young fliers demonstrate their skills to him to see whether they were ready and worthy of defending Equestria's skies!”

      His voice rose slightly as he continued. “He has long since passed on, but we still hold in our hearts the ideas and principles he was trying to promote and defend. Today when you perform keep that in mind!”

       He turned and faced the crowd. “As is tradition, the winner of last years competition will begin the ceremony of the swearing oath. Will Rainbow Dash stepped forward with her witness!”

     Dash stepped from the crowd with me in tow. She stopped several feet in front of the Lieutenant and addressed him in a very formal tone. “I Rainbow Dash have come here today with my witness to participate in the competition!”

      Gale Storm nodded his head and looked at me. “Witness step forward place your right hoof upon the column and say your name for all gathered here today!”

      Slowly I stepped up the column then I rose up on my hind legs and placed my right hoof upon the column. “My name Sky Brush!”

      Gale Storm nodded his head. “Where are you from Sky Brush? Why are you here today, and what is your relation to this competitor?”

      “I am from Ponyville. I have come today to be witness for Rainbow Dash. She is a coworker, a neighbor, my wing leader, a teacher to me, and a good friend.”

     The Lieutenant smiled. “Very well Sky Brush of Ponyville. We recognize you as being Rainbow Dash's witness. By being her witness understand that are vouching for her character. Any fines, or damages your competitor incurs and is unable to pay you may be liable for. If your competitor is found to have deliberately broken any rules of the competition you may be punished as well. Do you still wish to be her witness? If so say yes.”

     That little detail seemed to have been glossed over by all parties during last night's dinner! Still I had agreed to do this, so I closed my eyes and tried to ignore all the ways this could go horribly wrong.

      “Yes.” I said.

      The Lieutenant had me step away from the column. Then he turned to RD. “Rainbow Dash step forward and place your right hoof upon the column and say your name for all gathered here today!”

     The Element of Loyalty stepped forward, reared up on her hind legs and placed her hoof upon the column. “My name is Rainbow Dash!”

      Gale Storm nodded his head again. “Where are you from Rainbow Dash? Why are you here today and what is your relation to the witness?”

      “I am from Ponyville. I have come today to compete in the Best Young Fliers Competition. He is a coworker, a neighbor, my wing pony, a good friend.”

      Then she turned her head and looked at me. “And a pony I want to fly close to.”

      There was a general murmur from the crowd as ponies seemed to be suddenly talking to each others in hushed voices. Gale Storm face remained neutral although one of his eyebrows rose just the tiniest bit.

      “Very well Rainbow Dash you are now entered in the Best Young Fliers Competition. You may proceed to the staging area and begin your preparations. Sky Brush for the duration of the competition you must remain on the premises until the competition is over. If you must leave for any reason you must seek permission from a staff member. If you leave without permission, your contestant will be automatically disqualified. Do you understand? If so say yes.”

      “Yes.” I said.

     “Very well. Rainbow Dash please go by yourself down the corridor to the right to be assigned your staging area. Your witness will be allowed to visited you once you are assigned a staging area. Dismissed.”

      Then Gale Storm started process all over with the next contestant. I watched RD head down the corridor until she vanished around a bend in it. Turning back I saw Fluttershy standing there with a tiny blush on her face and slightly stunned look in her eyes. I made a beeline for her. I wasn't certain about the significance of Dash's statement but Fluttershy it appeared know. I needed answers.

To be continued.




Dammit Baron, you got me on pins and needles here!


Well, it seems your time to think about how to answer is being cut rather short...


How do you let the poor girl down without both breaking her heart and ruining her chances for the competition?

Major Matt Mason

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqqQ-3tTZig" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqqQ-3tTZig</a>


I'm not the swiftest pony but I do understand what she means. How can Brick not understand?


“Yes.” I said. The expression 'famous last words' comes to mind.


The most annoying thing -- people asking you to agree to something without telling you all the important details. It's almost like they know you'd refuse if they were honest about it.