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Thunderlane slowly approached the full mirror in his. No. Wait, her bedroom. Slowly she unbutton the white cotton shirt and looked the white bikini she was wearing. 

     Stupid Fleetfoot and her dares! Thunderlane thought as she opened the shirt. Where did that crazy mare find that Poison Joke potion anyways? I mean praise Celestia it only lasts for a few hours but now I'm...

     The mare's train of the thought slowly ground to a halt. Thunderlane was suppose to attend a private pool party tonight. Thus the bikini, but Thunderlane had been so busy trying to figure out how to put the bikini on that she hadn't taken the time to really see what they looked like as a mare in it. Now slowly she silently turned around and looked at herself from various angles. After a minute the pegasus spoke to nopony. 

      "I'm hot!" Thunderlane did a little twirl. "I mean I'd date this in a heartbeat." 

      A patron reward for Sura Resch. He asked for a Rule 63 Thunderlane. 




Dang it, Sura! You're taking my future ideas! This one was on my list. Oh well, great minds and all. Lol, looks great.


Rule 63 or not with Poison Joke being around Ponyville it would not surprise me if this has happened to other colts or even mares at some point or another. I mean how else would Fleetfoot known of such a potion? At least Thunderlane appears to have not been slacking off on their exercise and look as if the joke may have worked out in their favor. :)


Well Thunderlane was a Wonderbolt at the end of the series so he'd have to be in shape, and it's amazing how just been healthy and in shape goes along way to make you attractive.

The One Hammer

Hopefully she doesn’t get carried way at the party, that can get awkward fast


IIrc, the "Poison Joke" potion was a product of a certain Zebra Shamaness. I think that it may be around for a while. 'Axe


Now, would Thunderlane want to pull a "Tit for Tat" on Fleetfoot? I wonder what kind of a Hunkazoid she/he would make. Make a fun pair up, I think. 'Axe


BTW, this would be a dynamite figure for Shuxer59. wish I had the funds to commission him. "Axe