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Babscon is over so its back to art! At the con Dusty had with him the guitar he'd built that was inspired by Sunset Shimmer's guitar from Equestria Girls.

Since I know Dusty I got a chance to watch this instrument slowly come to life. As it neared completion I started to get ideas and images in my head of Sunset playing that guitar. I hope to do a finished color piece of her and her guitar at some point in the future. 




Awesome! Can’t wait to see the finished work – along with Luna, SS is easily my favorite break-out character and probably for the same reason now that I think about it; how does the line from The Music Man go? “…I smile, I grin, when the gal with a touch of sin walks in.”


Glad you like it. I think it will be a fun project and it will give me a chance to show folks that I do draw humans! 😉


The famous Gibson Flying V circa 1958. I liked the 70s Stratocaster.