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Slowly the front door of the tree cottage creaks open.  The sound of it amplified by the quiet stillness of the forest. From shadows of the dimly lit cottage there emerges a solitary figure. The sounds of their hoofsteps on the entryway flagstones are punctuated by clinks of and rattles of small metal objects. 

    Flutterbat smiles as she steps out into the night. Her crimson eyes and teeth seem to glow softly in the light of the full moon. In her left hand a small saddle, reins, and bridle and slowly swings back and forth. With a soft, smoky voice she speaks. 

     "Hello. Welcome to the Ponyville Animal Shelter and Obedience School. Due to unusual demand, we're now offering night classes. What can I do for you?

    A patron reward for J. McDermott. He wanted to see what Flutterbat might do with Fluttershy's school. The Trainer   
