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Just wanted to give an update to all my patrons, followers, watchers, and supporters. Yesterday they stuck a swab up my nose and now I'm waiting on the test results from the lab. I might find out as earlier as today and no later than Tuesday. 

   I am feeling a little bit better today. Not much but still better.  I slept well last night. Still got the head pressure and the headaches that go with it but the body aches are diminished. I still feel physically run down so I'm taking this one day at a time. I want to thank everyone for their support, and concern. 




Take the time you need. Im sure we will be clamouring for art again far too soon :) Just glad your artwork isnt of Brick molting while sitting there, as we might assume it was far more serious.


That’s good to hear! I hope you continue to improve. :-)


It's good to hear that at least a few of your symptoms are lessening. Take it easy, drink your fluids and sleep well, and everything should be fine. I know, because I have experienced a similar condition a few months ago. If this is anything like that, with enough rest and medicine, you'll be fine and dandy after a week or so. Hang in there, we're all rooting for you!


Relieved to hear that you are on the upswing.

Octavia Melody

Good to hear that you are feeling a little better. Hopefully the whole thing goes away quickly. Thanks for the update on your condition.


Glad to hear you’re feeling a bit better. Take it easy, and I hope the test results come back negative. Thank you for the update.

Seph Harrison

Love the pic, and if it's a cold, could always deal with it the way I do, spend a day or so unconscious on NyQuil, waking up just long enough to take another dose.