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Another moment from the anthro, MLP, sword and sorcery fantasy dream I had earlier in the year. Also before anyone asks this piece is claimed.

     The clock in the marketplace chimed 2am although most of the town's inhabitants didn't hear it. Still the great chimes and bells did their duty as they rang and droned. Their sounds drowned out the sharp click that came from one of the palazzo's clerestory windows. A couple seconds later it swung into the unlit room. The silhouette of a head peered in. A few seconds later a long silken rope that almost reached the floor was tossed in through the open window.

     Slowly Scootaloo climbed down the rope into the room. When she was a couple feet from the floor she stopped. Wrapping the rope around her left wrist and clenching it between her legs the pegasus mare removed a flat, crystal about the size of a large coin from a pocket on her black leather vest. Encircling the crystal was a ring of silver that was lavishly engraved with arcane symbols.

     Holding it up to one of her eyes she scanned the room and floor with it. Satisfied with what she saw she returned the crystal to its pocket and stepped onto the dressed stone floor.

     The palazzo was for the most part silent. Most of the household staff had gone to bed hours ago, and the 4 mercenaries assigned with keeping watch were lazy in their duties. At the moment they were playing cards down in the basement. The only sounds Scootaloo could hear was coming from the  nearby master bedroom where Scootaloo's partner was keeping the master of the house distracted.

     Dangling from Scootaloo left ear was a heavy silver earring with a finely wrought silver feather. Placing her left hand on it the mare thought the words.

     Sweetie I'm in.

     In Scootaloo's mind her partner responded with a series of nonverbal sounds. She was kind of busy at the moment. The mare smirked and then focused on her job.

     For several years Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle had been partners in crime. Literally. The war against Al-Conikkrall the great lich/necromancer had disrupted Equestrian society at all levels. For many younger ponies the war had cast them upon uncertain seas. Caught far away from their homes in Ponyville when the war broke out Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle had developed several creative ways to get by. Some had been legit. Others had been less so.

     However recently the two mares had been contacted by the none other than the Royal Sisters with a tempting offer. Use their acquired talents to benefit the realm and all outstanding charges and warrants against them would be dropped. Even better Celestia sweeten the deal with the chance to get something both mares found irresistible. Vengeance.

     They'd been devastated to hear of the death of their longtime friend Applebloom by none other than the lich Al-Conikkrall. Commander of the Revenants While they could do nothing directly against him they could strike back at those who were aiding the lich for their own gain. That's what they were doing right now.

     There were those in the kingdom who had secretly aligned themselves with the lich's agenda. It was this fifth column that Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were helping dismantle.

     Creative Ledger was one of Neighpoles most successful and wealthy merchants. He was also along with several other merchants clandestinely supporting Al-Conikkrall's war against Equestria to their benefit. Tonight the two mares were taking the first step toward Creative Ledger's demise. That bastard had benefited from the death of their friend and they were going to make him pay for it. A month or so ago Sweetie Belle had succeeded in seducing and winning her way into the heart, or at least the pants, of Creative Ledger. Since then they'd had regularly scheduled evenings of intimate entertainment. Like tonight.

     Scootaloo's objective was a large wood and iron strap chest located in a corner of room that acted as an oversize wardrobe. Amongst the numerous examples of wealth and prestige this chest stood out. It was rough to the point of being crude. However it's construction was sound, and while the iron padlock on it was almost ludicrously large it was more than capable of doing its job.

     Kneeling down in front of the chest the pegasus mare once again removed the flat crystal lens and held it to her eye. The chest itself had no spells or wards. Although she could detect magic inside it. Good.

     The padlock was so large the Scootaloo considered using the tip of her stiletto to pick it. However she stuck to the original plan and proceeded to remove her lock-picking tools. A few seconds later there was sharp kichak and the lock relented.  However this sound was drowned out by the sounds of further carnal activities coming from the bedroom.

     Carefully the mare checked the chest before opening it. The arcane crystal only detected spells and wards. It was no use against plain old physical traps. Satisfied it was safe Scootaloo slowly lifted the lid.

     There lying on top of the other items in the chest was the reason for this mission. A small drawstring bag of dark green velvet. This was the source of the magic. From another pocket on her vest the mare produced a small silver disc that was also engraved with arcane symbols. Scootaloo carefully set this disc on the bag. The arcane symbols on the disc flared brightly then vanished. The pegasus hoped that Starlight Glimmer was right when she said this would neutralize the necrotic energies that resided inside the bag. Slowly Scootaloo opened the bag. Inside was heavy bronze chain with a large pendant made of some strange greenish gold metal with an alien-looking glyph carved on it. This was one's proof of allegiance to Al-Conikkrall. When one attended a secret gathering one had to present this.

     From large leather pouch on the pegasus's belt she removed an identical copy of the chain and pendant. However this substitute had been made by Starlight. Along with the original magic it had a subtle tracer spell woven into it that would allow Royal forces to find this den of traitors.

     Scootaloo placed this pendant in the drawstring bag and then returned it to it location in chest. She retrieved a second rune encrusted disc and placed this on the bag. Once again the symbol flared and vanished. The mare retrieved the spent discs and put them back in the vest pocket. Then she picked up the original pendant put in her belt pouch. She then closed the chest and locked it with the padlock. With this accomplished the mare returned to her means of departure. Once more she touched her earring with her left hand and thought the words.

     The switch has been done. Heading back to the inn. Meet you there tomorrow morning. Distract him while I climb out and close the window.

     The sounds of climax could now be heard coming from the bedroom. The pegasus shook her head. All those years of theater were paying off. Sweetie had told her that she could fake it but Scootaloo couldn't tell when she was or wasn't. Using the moans and cries as cover she climbed up the rope. Then she pulled the rope up and closed the window.



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