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Applebloom was pouring 2 mugs of lemonade when she paused and looked down at the giant tortoise Galapagos in my Equestria dreamscape. The king and her were sitting on the front steps of her dream version of her home. Like some lemonade 

     "Excuse me Galapagos, but would ya like a glass lemonade ta?"

     The great grey-green tortoise slowly shook his head. "Thank, you, ma'am, but, no. However, I would, like, a, couple, of , the, shortbreads, please."

     The filly concentrated for a few seconds and a plate of shortbread cookies appeared in front of the tortoise. A smile slowly crept across his face. "Thank, you, ma'am."

     The filly resumed filling the mugs with ice-cold beverage. With this accomplished she started to pass one of them to King Trafalgar Maximilian Augustus Leopold the III when she realized that the mug was taller than the king was. She giggled nervously.

     "Um, well here's yer lemonade yer Majesty. I uh kinda fergot ya were so, well, uh, small."

     The king looked up at the mug towering over him and smiled at the filly. "Tis not problem my young maiden!" He proceeded to make slight twirling gesture with his right hand and the mug slowly shrank until it was of a size he could handle. With that accomplished he sampled the contents of mug.

     "Oh! I say! This is a most refreshing beverage! Thank you for serving it!"

     Applebloom blushed. "Ah well. It ain't nothing special, but I'm ah glad ya like it."

     For the next minute or so the only sounds were that of evening breeze rustling the leaves, the clinking sound of ice cubes in mugs, and the steady crunching sounds of a tortoise enjoying his shortbreads. Finally king set his mug down and looked up at Luna's pupil.

     "Now dear Applebloom. Would you be so kind as to entertain this king by enlightening me of what has happened to you since we last met."

     Over the next hour Applebloom told the king about her growing relationship with Stone Mane. Can I take him home Her battle with the Mimic/Queen Crabapple, Yer going down and various random events around Ponyville.

     The king listened to all of this, and cheered at AB saying that her and Stone Mane had made their feelings for each other known, and he made other approving sounds to other events. However his manners became more serious as the filly's story tapered off. Then in a voice she'd never heard him use he spoke.

     "But there's another reason why I am here. I heard it through the charm I gave you. A voice heavy with worry and doubt, and that's why I came tonight. So dear Applebloom what else has happened to you?"

     The filly posture slumped a bit. "Well yer Majesty ya see. Last night I was suppose ta have an astronomy lesson Princess Luna at the Royal Palace, but while I waiting fer her ta arrive there was this other pony named Last Thing, and...." Do you really think 

     Slowly Applebloom started describing her encounter with the Mare-in-Waiting, and the accusations she'd made. Also the questions Princess Luna and Celestia had asked her. Many questions As the story unfolded Applebloom found herself starting to shake. Yes she'd faced eldritch monstrosities and gigantic dragons in the Dream Realm, but this had been another pony. A pony she could've met on any street in Equestria. That seemed to make the threat less surreal and strangely more tangible.

     King Trafalgar listened the filly's tale when it finally tapered off he looked up and reached out with left hand and rested it on the AB's right back leg. The filly was surprised how strength and warmth she could feel in the tiny hand. After a moment the king spoke.

     "My dear Applebloom. I'm saddened to know that this horrible incident has happened to you. Please understand that the princesses care deeply for you. That's why they were so concerned about your revelation about those dreams with your doppelganger. Princess Luna has enlightened me to your horrible encounter with the foul, despicable entity The Deception, and I believe Princess Luna is correct when she says you've been purged of all actual traces of the evil being. However Luna has also told me of the unprecedented ease at which you're growing in the area of dream manipulation. This has left her to wonder whether your encounter with that being has left you somehow permanently altered in ways that we don't yet understand."

    Applebloom sighed and shrugged her shoulders. "Yeah. I git that. I, I'm just afraid she's a gonna stop giving me lessons. I won't be able ta see Stone Mane no more. That she's no longer gonna be my teacher, or worse she'll no longer be my friend."

     The small rodent-like figure chuckled. "Oh! fear not my dear. The Princess of the Night will not keep you two lovebirds apart! And understand she is thrilled at the prospect of you being able to assist her in the future with her office and it duties. However she must temper that enthusiasm with the knowledge that if not properly harnessed your talent could cause much suffering if allowed run unsupervised."

     The earth pony sighed and looked up at the stars. "Yeah. She's telling me that all the time. Ya know if I wanted ta I could visit Stone Mane's dream fabric by myself? Been tempted several times, but I've been a good pony and haven't."

     She started swinging her back legs causing the back of her hooves to clunk against the stairs. "Still I wish I knew what the hay that other me been trying ta tell about some storm coming? Do ya have in ideas yer Majesty?" There's Trouble Coming 

     The king finished his glass of lemonade then shook the mug causing the ice to clink inside it. "It might be nothing more than some part of your unconscious mind that is noticing events around you that your conscious mind is unaware of. As to the nature of what's bothering it I'm uncertain. It might be several things."

     "Could it be a another critter trying ta git in my head just like that Deception thing did?" Asked the filly.

     The king's whiskers twitched as he rubbed his chin. "It is possible my fair Applebloom. The Dream Realm is populated with a bewildering array of beings with an equal number of varying agendas. However in this case..."

     The king's voice tapered as he noticed that the filly had stopped knocking her hooves on the steps. In fact she'd stopped moving at all. The king stared intently at the filly who's gaze was now glassy and staring straight ahead. After a couple of seconds he determined that she was not even breathing. Reaching out again he tapped the filly.

     "Applebloom my dear. Can you hear me? Are you alright?"

     Suddenly he heard the filly's voice, but not from the immobile form. "She can't hear ya. She's ain't aware of anything at the moment. I figgered it was the best way ta discuss things with ya."

     Whipping his head around King Trafalgar Maximilian Augustus Leopold the III found himself staring at another Applebloom lying on the porch. The filly looked identical but her body language radiated an aura of power and control. She arched an eyebrow.

     "It's been a long time since we've talked Kar-Ra."

     The king swallowed. "Well. This is a rather unexpected reunion."

To be continued.




... interesting. So this other Applebloom was another entity, not just a part of her mind. Seems like there are/were three with her appearance; herself (obviously), this entity, and Deception. And that the King knows this particular entity, and seems uncomfortable with her presence, tells me this is going to be interesting


She's beside herself!