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A patron reward. The character's name is Tchirajh and she's a cyborg. When I work on a piece like this I like to have an idea in my head what the character doing, and where exactly are they anyways?

    So as I was working up this piece I had an idea pop into my head. This place is called Centaur Station. It's part of a series of space stations/habitats. All of them are named after mythical creatures with names that start with the letter C. So Centaur, Chimera, Cockatrice, and Cyclops would be examples. Very space opera in feeling. 

   Also I imagined that there would be locations in the station where the artificial gravity is either turned off or dialed way back. So one way to go or down in the station is to either jump or fly between them. Thrust could be just inertia, or some form of propulsion system. 

   The two triangular objects floating below and behind her are drone-like crafts that stay in formation with the character. This is definitely a case of rule of cool here.  



Octavia Melody

Wow that looks completely amazing.


Talk about an mage that makes you want to read the whole story! This would work well as a sci-fi book cover.


Well, illustration and especially book covers was something I focused on in college.