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 While Applebloom got ready for a trip to Canterlot Saturday Night another pony was thinking about travel in my Equestria dreamscape.

  Stone Mane waited in line along with two of his closest friends Kicker and Blue Spark. School had let out for the day and now the daily ritual of standing in line at Spoons, Straws, and Scoops the local ice cream and soda fountain was in fully swing. A steady stream of foals poured into the establishment to get their reward for enduring another day of school. But soon an even bigger and sweeter reward was awaiting them.  The sweet, sweet escape from stifling confines of school. Summer vacation.  

  Eventually the 3 colts had their orders and weaved their way through the crowd to score a table. With the this accomplished they turned their attention to both their treats and the coming break from school. 

  Stone Mane took a big slurp of his cherry soda float and then wiped his mouth on his front leg. "So guys! I was wondering how we should plan our summer in preparation for hoofball next fall! I've got a couple of really cool ideas that–"  

  "Um, Stone." Kicker cut him off. He suddenly looked nervous. "Well you see my ma just told me a day or so ago that we'll be going down to Mares Bay for the summer to see my aunt." 

  Stone Mane paused. "Oh. Well, have fun at your aunt's. So Spark what do you want to work on this summer? I think we could practice assist passing and–" 

  "Heh, heh, yeah, well." The pegasus colt rubbed the back of his head with a front hoof. "Well last night my folks said they'd enrolled me in summer camp at Lake Wallowplop. Kind of caught me by surprise. So I'll be gone for at least a month. Apparently they want some time together alone for some reason."    Stone Mane sat their stunned. His great plans for summer were crashing down around him. His hopes to make them an even more unstoppable force on the playing field were slipping away. 

  "Oh Stone! Oh Stone! I'd be willing to practice with you the is summer! Can we? Huh! Huh!" 

  The Stone Mane"s vision of his two friends was suddenly obscured by a bright pink, freckly face with a bright blue bandage across the bridge of its muzzle. This face belonged to the overly exuberant, hyperactive filly Raindrop. Apparently she had been eavesdropping and was now inserting herself into the equation. The pegasus filly was nervously flapping her wings, which she did a lot. In fact Raindrop was one giant mass of energy. Being in her presence for more than 5 minutes always left Stone Mane mentally exhausted. Many of the foals at his school were positive that when Raindrop got her cutie mark it was going to a hummingbird.

  "Gah!" Exclaimed the colt. The filly's face was now just inches away from his. "Raindrop! Have you been spying on us!" 

  "No!" Said the filly. "I've been eavesdropping on you! So can we practice this summer!? Coach Blue Mane said he was going to let me try out for the team this fall! If I make it we'll be teammates! Isn't that so cool!" 

  "What! Coach is going to let you try out!? How? Why?" Stone Mane looked dumbfounded. The colt was still trying to process this information when a new voice spoke up.  

  "Positions for the team are open to both fillies and colts. You should be aware of that." Turning his head Stone Mane found himself staring at Lily Dancer sitting at the table across from him. The filly cocked an eyebrow at him. 

  "Uh...." Stone Mare remembered his promise to Lily Dancer to be nice to other fillies including Raindrop. The price "No, no, I knew that. Um, well Raindrop I didn't know you were, uh, er, old enough to be on the team. Yeah that!" 

  "I'm not now, but my birthday is in Augus! So I'll be old enough in the fall for the team! I'm going to be the most awesome hoofball player our school has ever seen!" 

  Through all of this Kicker and Blue Spark sat completely silent and still. Like a couple of prey animals hoping to avoid a predators attention they'd left Stone Mane to survive or perish on his own. Stone Mane instinctively seemed to adopting the same strategy since his brain couldn't come up any useful thoughts or actions. Once again Lily Dancer spoke up. 

  "Stone didn't you say that if your friends were busy this summer you were thinking about visiting your new friend in Ponyville again?" 

  The colt turned his head and broke Raindrop's stare. Which wasn't easy since the filly's face filled most of his vision. For several seconds he looked at Lily. Finally what she was saying sunk into his muddled brain. 

  "Oh! Yes! Ponyville! Yes, yes we were planning to see my new friend if my other plans fell thru. Yup! That was the plan all along!" 

  Raindrop's wings drooped some and a little bit of the spark went from her eyes. "Oh. So you're going to out of town as well then." She looked away. "Well then. I guess. I, guess I'll find somepony else to practice with then." 

  Suddenly Stone Mane felt sorry for the filly. Raindrop could be spastic and annoying, but she wasn't deliberately like that. Because her full speed ahead nature it just sort of happened. He took a deep breath. "Don't worry Raindrop I positive you'll find somepony to practice with, and, and if get back from my trip early enough I promise I'll practice with you. Is that oka–" 

  The colt's sentence was suddenly interrupted by a bone crushing hug from the pegasus filly. "Thanks Stone Mane!" The filly was once again her usual hyperactive self. Well! Gotta go! See you later!"

  With that the she tore out of the shop in a blur of motion. For several seconds none of the colts spoke. Finally Kicker broke the silence. 

  "Is coach Blue Mane serious about letting her on the team?" 

  "Well. She's definitely got the speed to be on it." Blue Spark said. then he stuffed huge spoonful of sundae in his mouth.

  "And she's got spirit. That's for sure." Stone Mane said. Then he polished off the last of his float. "I should probably be heading home. My aunt going to want my help with the afternoon chores."   

  Stone Mane left his two stunned friends in the shop and started wandering home. He'd gotten about half a block when somepony call out his name


  "Stone Mane wait up!" Trotting up was Lily Dancer. The apple green filly stopped in front of the colt and smiled.   

  "Well, you were much more polite to Raindrop today than in the past. That was very nice of you. So, I was serious when I mentioned Ponyville. Will you go and see her once school gets out?" 

  Colt stared up at the sky for a moment. "Yeah. I think spending my summer with her would be great! Thanks Lily for mentioning it. Of course it'll depend on my aunt and uncle agreeing, and of course that's assuming that Applebloom's family is okay with me visiting. I've saved up a fair number of bits from Princess Luna's stipend so I can afford the train ticket. Heck I'd be willing to pay for room and board if they asked. I'll ask my aunt and uncle tonight. If they say yes then I'll write Applebloom's family tomorrow." 

  "Good!" Said the filly. "Well see you in class tomorrow!" Then Lily Dancer turned and trotted away. Stone Mane watched leave. Today had been a very strange day.

 To be continued.   




Wow, Im not sure why...but I really like Raindrop and hope she does end up on the team, or at least finds something she enjoys to do with that energy!

Sky Shatter

Ooooo~ dapples...


The potential triangle just added another vertex...