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Note. To the best of my knowledge this is not based on  any existing Fallout Equestria storyline, nor does it follow any  particular plot in Fallout 4. This is just the narrative that popped  into my head as I was drawing.

       Amber dove into the ancient culvert as bullets ricocheted round it. Quickly he scrambled further down it seeking shelter from the gunfire. 

       The raiders continued firing randomly at Amber's location. At first the raiders didn't notice the addition of a series of single rifle cracks until their numbers started being whittled down.

        With the realization that they were no longer the hunters but instead the hunted the raiders began frantically firing at random locations where they thought their tormentor was lurking. After a minute or so their fire would subside. Then a few seconds later there would be another sharp crack of a rifle and another raider would be struck. This would set another volley of ineffective gunfire. 

      For his part Amber used the distraction to high tail it down the culvert until he found the exit he was looking for. As he sprinted toward the entrance of Vault 69. As he did he thought. 

       Praise Celestia for Coco! That mare knows how shoot!

      The mare who Amber was so thankful for quietly slipped into her new firing position. Once there she took a moment and topped off magazine of her 7.62x51mm rifle. It only held 3rds but what the rifle lacked in capacity it made up for in accuracy. The pre-war, bolt action, sniper rifle and its optics were still in pristine condition. Having survived the ravages of years by being carefully stored, and maintained in the Stable 69 armory.

       Coco Pommel did a quick scan of the terrain in front of her concealed position with a small pair of binoculars. Although not originally part of Vault Security, Coco had discovered she was a natural when it came to precision rifle work. So she'd been assigned to perimeter security outside the vault. She never strayed far from the vault entrance, but that meant she'd memorized every shell hole, piece of rubble, rotted tree, burned out vehicle or similar location where she could ambush attackers or be ambushed by them. 

       As she stowed her binoculars she felt the ear piece of her comm link buzz silently. Checking one last time that her immediate area was clear she toggled the switch and spoke softly. 

      "Songbird to nest." Songbird was her radio handle. Nest was the vault. "Songbird to nest. Looks like one of our chicks is returning to the nest. Please await its arrival. Over."

      Coco was pleasantly surprised to hear not the voice of the Security Chief, but instead the voice of the Overmare herself Rarity.  

      "Well done songbird! Our chick is safely back in the nest. Please be a dear and come home to roost as well! Over." 

       The mare started to toggle her microphone when she spied a lone raider stand up and start running away. The shot was only a 100yds away. Raising the rifle she took the shot from a kneeling position. She settled the crosshairs of scope reticle between their shoulder blades. Let some of her breath out, and gently squeezed the trigger. For a brief instant she saw a geyser of blood erupt from the back of the raider. Then they toppled out of view. Coco lowered the rifle and quickly worked the bolt. She smiled softly, and then picked picked up the spent brass cartridge. Stowing it in a pocket she toggled her microphone. 

      "Understood nest. Songbird coming home. Over."

A patron reward for Skyline

Edit. In case you're interested, the rifle Coco is holding is the Mauser SP66. Ian of Forgotten Weapons did a video of it last year. Link  




My precision rifle in SE Asia was the XM-21 7.62x51 Nato. An highly tuned for accuracy design of the M-14. A National Match model usually used in Camp Perry competition. Equipped with a Redfield 3x9 variable range compensated scope. At 300 meters I could hit a shotgun shell....at the primer. We had a saying with the rifle. Kills guaranteed at 800 meters. X meant experimental. Now its the M21 greatly improved by weight and optics but still the 7.62 Nato.